RFT Beethoven restoring
RFT Beethoven restoring
I needs ito know the scheme of the tuning FM ropes because it lacked and I have some difficulty to reconstruct the exact scheme.
For to be correct the rope always exits from the guide A and I don't know if the guide B was used?
Someone can help me?
Thanks Giovanni - Venice
- Guide A (101 KB)
- Guide B (83 KB)
- Left side Rope (112 KB)
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Seillauf FM Antrieb
Hallo Giovanni Saoner,
vielleicht hilft dieses Bild schon weiter?
Viel Erfolg und Grüße aus Erfurt!
Jens Dehne
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Re: Seillauf FM Antrieb
thank you very much. With the help of your image the tuning now work perfectly.
Greeting from Venice
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Incorrect rope turns of AM drive
This is the rope around the capacitor I found when I bougth the radio.
But I think there are too many rope turns in fact the rope overlaps.
Can you to publish in this forum two photos like mine of yours radio?
Greetings Giovanni

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Seillauf FM Antrieb
Hallo Giovanni,
hier nun ein Foto vom Antriebsrad AM Drehkondensator.
Der Skalenzeiger und Drehkondensator steht etwa in der Mitte.
Viel Erfolg auch hier und Grüße!
Jens Dehne
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now all the tunings work s perfectly.
I'm a Graetz and Stern-Rochlitz fan, from long long time. Your personal website was the first german website I knowed about radio restoration and particularly Graetz, and it's still today a reference for me.
Thank you for your work.
I have some images missing on your website, made from myself of course from my collection.
For example images of Stereo Unit 250 F.
If you want I can send it to you by mail.
My personal address is: info@casaparadiso.it
Greetings from Venice
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