saba: 125-Stereo; Freiburg Vollautomatic TUBES
? saba: 125-Stereo; Freiburg Vollautomatic TUBES
Hello !
I please really need a help if sombody could....
After many years I've took out from my home basement my father's old Freiburg vollautomatic 125 stereo, and now I'm trying to take it bask to it's old good shape.
After that the electronic / mechanical part went out the case, I've found something that really soprised me: on my Freiburg 125 there is one electronic tube more than the nmb on all the offical documents, including the electronic schematic from radiomusem.
On my fr. 125 the tubes are 14 !!!: there are all the 13 tubes which are on the schematic and on the user manual, plus one 6AV6 philips.
Since the 6AV6 is equal to the EBC 91, we may say that the EBC 91 tubes in this freiburg are two instead of one, all the other tubes are the same as on the radiomuseum freiburg 125 page.
The serial nmb of my fr. 125 is E 26971 (on the rear of the metal frame) and 80 16 65 written inside the wood case.
The electronic schematic is realted to serial nmb 181060. It's possible that perhaps some modifications were done after ? If yes, does somebody have any electronic diagram of a Freiburg vollautomatic 125 stereo with 14 electronic tubes ?
Many thanks,
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Test socket

It is most unlikely that a version of the SABA 125 is existing having an additional EBC91. On the chassis is a test socket for service purposes. May be somebody pluged in an EBC91 in this socket.
Best regards
Rüdiger Walz
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Thank you, Rudiger, for your help !!!
Actually before sending my first message on radiomusem forum, I thought to write at the begginning "please excuse me if the question is stupid for dummies" but UNFORTUNATLEY I didn't.............
Thing is that I thougt that the test socket was on the rear back....please don't ask why !!!
Anyhow, my freiburg is in pretty good conditionts if comparing to the stayng 35 years in the home basement !
My freiburg has three problems:1 - The speakers volume is far distant below from the expected level, in all frequencies (some weak tubes on the audio circuit ?); 2 - When the stereo swich is pressed, a quite bad buzzing noise is produced fro, the speackers (a capacitor ?) 3 - the automatic research sensitivity is very little: the control knob runs and runs... but it doesn't stop till the end of the scale. (??)
Thank to anybody who wil answer.
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Freiburg 125 input transformer
I'm looking for a electrical data for Saba Freiburg 125 stereo input transformer.
That is Tr2 in the schematic.
Thank you
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