seeburg: TBA; 148ML 'Trashcan'

ID: 331765
seeburg: TBA; 148ML 'Trashcan' 
15.Oct.13 23:46

Martin Rimmer (GB)
Articles: 3
Count of Thanks: 8
Martin Rimmer

There were several versions of the Seeburg Symphonola 146/147/148 'Trashcan':

1946 - 146, dark wooden cabinet.  No door or lid animations. These were options offered later bt Seeburg.

1947 - 147, early types had a wooden cabinet and were dark. Late types had a dark faux wood finish on an aluminium cabinet.  Door or dome animations, also options.

1948 - 148, all had a blonde faux wood finish on a aluminium cabinet.  Animation in dome and inside door.

S - Simple, 20 selector coils.  No wallbox stepper

M - Wireless master receiver control unit enabling the connection of up to 3 wired wallboxes and wireless and unlimited wireless wallboxes.  These wireless wallboxes sent pulses AM modulated at about 250Mhz down the 117v supply line.

L - RSA1 (Remote speaker Amplifier) built in for the connection of external CV speakers.

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