siemens: SH906W (SH 906 W); Spitzensuper 51

ID: 207962
? siemens: SH906W (SH 906 W); Spitzensuper 51 
18.Dec.09 16:06

Mark Donen (USA)
Articles: 13
Count of Thanks: 6

Dear Radio experts,

Can anyone say whether this radio has an electro-dynamic speaker? It looks like it may....

Thank you,


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Speakers in Siemens SH 906 W - Spitzensuper 51 
19.Dec.09 14:16
40 de 3508

Walter Haring (CH)
Articles: 213
Count of Thanks: 7
Walter Haring

Hi Mark

in the original service data, part technical data, siemens states:

Tiefton: 25 cm elektr.-dyn. 11000 Gauss

Hochton: 9 cm perm.-dyn., 7500 Gauss

See also the newly added data under schematics.

Kind regards, Walter

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RE: Speakers in Siemens SH 906 W - Spitzensuper 51  
19.Dec.09 14:29
44 de 3508

Mark Donen (USA)
Articles: 13
Count of Thanks: 8

 Dear Walter,

Thank you for the confirmation. The schematic seemed to suggest this, but I wanted to check.

Warm regards,


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