The DioDullemitters

ID: 251302
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The DioDullemitters 
07.Apr.11 21:02

Peter den Boer (NL)
Articles: 38
Count of Thanks: 3
Peter den Boer


The Dio Dullemitters were sold by:
Nederlands Industrie Kantoor
Afdeling Radio import
Prinsengracht 475
The “Nederlands Industrie Kantoor, department Radio” was a wholesale dealer of radio parts during the 1920’s.
They started an advertisement campaign for DioDullemitters in Radio-Expres on 1-1-1925 and the last advertisement was in Radio-Expres dated 15-1-1926. After that date they sold Ediswan tubes.
The manufacturer of these tubes is not known. There are some rumours that they were made by Radio Record, but that is not confirmed.
They started to advertise the RS1, RS2 (both triodes) and the RS3 and RS4 (both space charge grid tetroden). The next tube was the RSX, an output triode. From that time on they advertised the RSI, RSII, RSIII and RSIV. But according to me is the RS1 the same as the RSI etc.
Sometimes there is a paper DioDullemitter label on the glass and sometimes DioDullemitter is etched in the glass. As they were sold during only one year, they are very rare.

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