Tube Tester

ID: 68813
Tube Tester 
22.Sep.05 23:37

Vitor Oliveira (P)
Articles: 71
Count of Thanks: 8
Vitor Oliveira

Hello all members and collector friends,

Recently I get one REALISTIC tube-battery-continuity tester, Model T-B-C (CAT. no. 22-20-32), USA made I guess judging for the plug (120 V, USA normal plug) and no operations Manual!
Any help or information about the manufacturer, the year or the manner of testing or operating this model is very welcomed!

all the best,


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23.Sep.05 05:25

Wolfgang Bauer (A)
Articles: 2495
Count of Thanks: 9
Wolfgang Bauer

Hallo Mr. Oliveira,
please be so kind and read this:

When you have done it, ask again from the modell side.

Regards WB.

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Create new model 
26.Sep.05 11:13

Wolfgang Bauer (A)
Articles: 2495
Count of Thanks: 8
Wolfgang Bauer

Hallo Mr. Oliveira,

when the manufacture is known in Radiomuseum, please create a new model, if you have not found it in Radiomuseum.

1.) Click "Create new entries".

2.) Click "Upload new models".

3.) Fill in the form what you know about this new model.

4.) Click "GO" when you have made all the specifications.

Regards WB

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26.Sep.05 13:19

Vitor Oliveira (P)
Articles: 71
Count of Thanks: 12
Vitor Oliveira

Thank you very much... I wiil do it later, thanks.

all the best,


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