ultra: Ultra Twin Models

ID: 343143
ultra: Ultra Twin Models 
08.Mar.14 22:44

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1091
Count of Thanks: 5

As I write we know of the following nine Ultra Twin Models.

These are all covered by one Trader (963) and R&TVS (1952 & 1957 editions Vol 1) entry:

  • Ultra Twin 50 R656 or Carnival Twin  (Separate 85.5V & 7.5V HT & LT batteries) Trader 963. A revised version of R586 with different case style.
  • Ultra Twin R568 (Trader Recommend 963 as "Similar)  R&TVS "Twin" is R568 or R656
  • Ultra Twin R586  Or Twin 50 (Single combo 85.5V & 7.5V B127 Battery pack, B127)  R&TVS 1952 calls this a Twin 50. Different style case to the rest, like mains R589 The Trader 963 refers to this as the earlier model
  • Ultra Carnival Twin R746 (Trader Recommend 963 as "Similar) R&TVS "Carnival Twin"

If two plugs for  batteries: HT 85V = Ever Ready B129, LT 7.5V = Ever Ready AD39

If single plug for batteries: Ever Ready B127 85V + 7.5V combo pack

Separately but still similar

  • Ultra Twin R825 Last twin and  using low consumption valves (Nominal 25mA rather than 50mA series)

VHF-FM Offenback Models vs AM only Ultra Twin.

While Germany had VHF-FM from 1949 and a variety of Stations not on AM due to Russian and Allied use of frequencies, the UK only had VHF-FM from 1955 with a very slow "rollout" starting in South East (to combat interference on MW BBC Third) and only simulcast of BBC Home, Light and Third till 1970s, with poor signal strength in 1950s, so no UK VHF-FM battery portable models other than 1957 Vidor "Vanguard" and 1958 Ever Ready "Sky Emperor" (BEREC "Commander"). There was only one 1955 Battery valve Table model (USA call them Farm Radios) the Ever Ready "Sky Monarch AM/FM". Ultra never made any Battery Valve VHF models. Ultra became part of Thorn  (BRC / Ferguson) and no more than a label by 1960s. 

Why Twin?

They are called "Twin" because of dual mains or battery operation. Some have a captive mains lead that is internally docked to switch to battery, others use a two pin plug with battery mains switch on chassis and removable mains lead with inline socket. As some models are very similar cabinet and the knob on wavechange switch can be lost exact identification can be difficult if the paper label on rear panel is missing. The slats on rear panel break easily. Loop aerial on rear. Some versions have an aerial socket. All are potentially live chassis on mains operation.

Ultra don't seem to be consistent on exact model name (Twin, Twin50, Carnival Twin) in adverts.

While the rear and main case appear to be Bakelite (except Coronation Twin Deluxe R906) the pale fromt panel may be some other material,

A similar styled mains only model is the R5897 (very similar to Twin R586 and Export Twin WR5897), the Troubadour U626 is more different but similar materials.

These models taking into account inflation and comparing wages would have cost more than an HDTV today and between one and two weeks wages in early 1950s.

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Ultra R906 Twin DeLuxe 
10.Mar.14 19:32
69 from 2642

Howard Craven (GB)
Articles: 110
Count of Thanks: 6

Hello Michael,

I have several of these nice little sets and also the two Twin DeLuxe models. Just one thing regarding the R906 DeLuxe models, in the Ultra Service manual this is referred to as the Ultra Twin De Luxe without 'Coronation'. The manual is also dated July 1955 suggesting that it was not built in the year of the coronation 1953.

Regards ......... Howard


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10.Mar.14 21:01
80 from 2642

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1091
Count of Thanks: 4

Possibly the Deluxe wasn't advertised as a "Coronation Twin Deluxe", But Makers Service Manual issue dates are not reliable.

This advert looks identical to the Cornation Twin, R786.


Actual Coronation Twin Advert:


I think it's probable the R906 is officially the "Ultra Twin Deluxe" (without Coronation), but it's a unique case for Ultra and undoubtably virtually the Coronation Twin R786 chassis, so I don't think the description is particularly harmfull. Hopefully people will read our articles and see that we can't be 100% dogmatic except for Model numbers of an example with original back and label! As you know that's why the photo of a Model Label is very desirable from Members, Guests or Auction photos.

But look at the photos uploaded for the Ultra Twin R766, there are two kinds of front panel there, one matches the advert above and the Coronation Twin R786 case. Also the Ultra Twin R568  vs Ultra Twin R586  apparently the earlier version?

Adverts frequently don't have model numbers and the paper labels are frequently missing. The R&TVS only has a chassis drawing if you are lucky and Trader sheets may only illustrate one of several identical or similar chassis on one issue.

You can't even 100% go by a distinctive case! The very last models of Ever Ready T (four versions) use 25mA Dx96 series and early Sky Queen is identical. There are both mechanical and electrical revsions of the original Sky Queen.  I just got some photos from South Africa and the earlier Saucepan (Serial J 307879 has rectangular  IFTs (not square like A, C, C/A or C/E) with 4 round rear vents on case  and later (Serial J 346853) it has round IFTs (Like K, T & Sky Queen etc)  and front + side is two part, not single part like a saucepan base and no vents in rear.

So I think you are correct there are nine Ultra Twin and we have the corrent Model Numbers, you are probably correct on name of the Deluxe Twin R906 but some of the other models are more dubious in name and they are all very similar electrically and related chassis.


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