Unknown portable 'Romae' (1946?)

ID: 326930
This article refers to the model: Personal 106 (Romac Radio Corporation, Ltd.; London)

? Unknown portable 'Romae' (1946?) 
11.Aug.13 11:48

Georg Richter (D)
Articles: 916
Count of Thanks: 3
Georg Richter

In the November/December 1946 issue of the Austrian radio magazine "Radiotechnik" was a report about the Swiss Autumn exhibition in Zurich (August 28th - September 3rd, 1946).

Amongst other models, was a picture of portable radio named "Romae Portable":

Romae Portable

The only data mentioned:

Miniature radio "Romae Portable", appearance like a camera, 4-tube superhet, broadcast band (MW), antenna in the shoulder strip, dimension ~240x135x51mm, weight ~2,2kg (4,85 lb) including batteries.

Unfortunately I did not found any othe reference. Does anybody know more about?

Thank you very much in advance!

Best Regards,

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11.Aug.13 16:07
35 from 1884

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1069
Count of Thanks: 5

Certainly Romac marketed in USA, including even attempting a US standard TV!

So why not Austria?

See the Romac 106 Only the Romac 106 has the two bars, the later Romac sets have an open grill.

But later in Austria we have Austrian  HEA models Gypsy Gipsy 50 & Gypsy 52. The UK Romac went bust in 1950/1951 but the HEA models of same style appear to continue longer. I don't see an HEA model like the one in your photo, they are the style of the later Romac without the two vertical bars on the speaker.

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Romac - indeed 
11.Aug.13 17:39
52 from 1884

Georg Richter (D)
Articles: 916
Count of Thanks: 5
Georg Richter


thank you for spotting to the model - obviously Romac 106 will fit.

No wonder: same article in the Austrian "Radiowelt" was also misspelling Phileo instead of Philco.

Best Regards


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Easy bit done 
11.Aug.13 17:43
54 from 1884

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1069
Count of Thanks: 4

The harder question is what connection was there between HEA Austria and Romac UK?

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