funke: W16 replacement cards

ID: 611650
? funke: W16 replacement cards 
23.Feb.23 22:17

Donald Cochrane (USA)
Articles: 102
Count of Thanks: 4

Is it still possible to get replacement cards for the W16?  I am missing the UCH21, UBL21, and the

UY21 cards.


Thank you,


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funke: W16 replacement cards 
24.Feb.23 12:38
55 from 1240

Wolfgang Holtmann (NL)
Articles: 971
Count of Thanks: 3
Wolfgang Holtmann

Hello Donald

I have already made additional cards for my Funke W16.

As you know, on the original version no base is forseen for the mentioned tubes.
Questions: Have you already made the necessary modifications on your tester or do you use an adapter? For the latter, what is the actual wiring?

It is important to get an answer before I hand over the locations of the holes...



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funke: W16 replacement cards 
24.Feb.23 17:50
88 from 1240

Donald Cochrane (USA)
Articles: 102
Count of Thanks: 4

Apparently this has already been done before I got it.  Look at the

upper right corner.  I think several new sockets were added.


Best regards,



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funke: W16 replacement cards 
24.Feb.23 18:32
98 from 1240

Wolfgang Holtmann (NL)
Articles: 971
Count of Thanks: 3
Wolfgang Holtmann


The upper right socket doesn't fit the tubes ending with 21 ! It is just another octal socket.

The cathode of the UCH21 is connected to the metallic center rod.
What about the white one on the lower left corner?

Also important is the wiring to the main body. I don't know any factory modification to check it out.


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funke: W16 replacement cards 
26.Feb.23 12:39
170 from 1240

Wolfgang Holtmann (NL)
Articles: 971
Count of Thanks: 4
Wolfgang Holtmann

Hello Donald

I am pretty sure that the white socket at the lower left side is the one we are looking for.

Tell you why the exact wiring to the original W16 circuitry is so important.

All the new sockets are homebrew added with no documentation available. When I offer you the appropriate card lay-out for the requested tubes, there is certainly the risk of malfunction. That's because I don't know which pin of the loctal socket is connected to what potential!

Not only the tube under test is in jeopardy, even worse, the tube tester itself might be damaged! In order to keep the ball rolling I suggest the following procedure:

With a simple continuity meter tell me which pins (seen from above) of the two sockets (loctal and the left octal) are tight together?
Don't forget pin no. 9.....

Regards, Wolfgang


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funke: W16 replacement cards 
28.Feb.23 22:20
243 from 1240

Wolfgang Holtmann (NL)
Articles: 971
Count of Thanks: 5
Wolfgang Holtmann

Donald's W16 tube tester was modified (homebrew) by the pre-owner with some new more modern sockets. By e-mail we sorted out the actual wiring of the loctal socket in respect to the original octal socket fitted by Funke. All connections match except for pin 2 and 8, which are crossed. The center connection (pin 9) of the loctal socket is soldered to its pin 1.

With this information, tailored testconditions are created as listed hereunder. The invidual settings are copied from the Funke W19 Tube Tester. It is up to Donald to handcraft the cards accordingly. I'm not good in Photo Shopping …..

The indication „G“ means, the letter G of GUT has to be placed on the card at this anode current.

Important Note
Other modified W16's may have a different wiring! Thus, the use of the depicted settings may cause problems.....

Wichtiger Hinweis
Andere modifizierte W16s können anders verdrahtet sein! Daher können die abgebildeten Einstellungen zu Problemen führen....

Further questions are wellcome.....
Regards, Wolfgang

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