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USA: Radio Catalog for the radio manufacturer Stewart Warner Corp.; Chicago (IL)

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Model Year Category Tubes Pictures Forum Coll.Pr.

98-82 series chassis 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
98-811 Ch= 98-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
98-812 Ch= 98-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
98-813 Ch= 98-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
98-814 Ch= 98-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
98-815 Ch= 98-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
98-816 Ch= 98-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
98-817 Ch= 98-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
98-818 Ch= 98-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
98-819 Ch= 98-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
98-821 Ch= 98-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
98-822 Ch= 98-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
98-823 Ch= 98-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
98-824 Ch= 98-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
98-825 Ch= 98-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
98-826 Ch= 98-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
98-827 Ch= 98-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
98-828 Ch= 98-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
98-829 Ch= 98-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
102D [8 Tubes] 1932 Radio 8 - 32 1S    
208A chassis 1941 ? Radio 8 - 6SK7 2S    
208B chassis 1941 ? Radio 8 - 7H7 4S    
208BK Ch= 208B 1942 Radio 8 - 7H7 6 Bilder vorhanden 4S   $
208C chassis 1941 ? Radio 8 - 7H7 6S    
208CK Ch= 208C 1941 ? Radio 8 - 7H7 6S    
750 1927 Radio 8 2S   $
900 AC series chassis [25 Hz] 1929 Radio 8 - 227 3S    
900 AC series chassis [60 Hz] 1929 Radio 8 - 227 3S   $
900 radiogram Ch= 903 [60 Hz] 1929 Radio 8 - 227 1S    
900 radiogram Ch= 913 [25 Hz] 1929 Radio 8 - 227 1S    
901 Ch= 900 series [60 Hz] 1929 Radio 8 - 227 20 Bilder vorhanden 4S   $
902 Ch= 900 series [60 Hz] 1929 Radio 8 - 227 4 Bilder vorhanden 4S    
910-81 series chassis 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
910-82 series chassis 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
910-811 Ch= 910-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
910-812 Ch= 910-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
910-813 Ch= 910-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
910-814 Ch= 910-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
910-815 Ch= 910-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
910-816 Ch= 910-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
910-817 Ch= 910-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
910-818 Ch= 910-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
910-819 Ch= 910-81 1938 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
910-821 Ch= 910-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
910-822 Ch= 910-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
910-823 Ch= 910-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
910-824 Ch= 910-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
910-825 Ch= 910-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
910-826 Ch= 910-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
910-827 Ch= 910-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
910-828 Ch= 910-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
910-829 Ch= 910-82 1938 Radio 8 - 6A8G 3S    
911 Ch= 900 series [25 Hz] 1929 Radio 8 - 227 4 Bilder vorhanden 4S   $
912 Ch= 900 series [25 Hz] 1929 Radio 8 - 227 4 Bilder vorhanden 4S    
951 AC Table 1929 Radio 8 - 224 2S   $
951 AC Avon Lowboy 1930 Radio 8 - 224 2S    
952 AC Table 1930 Radio 8 - 224 2S    
952 AC Graham Lowboy 1930 Radio 8 - 224 2S    
953 AC draw type chassis 1929 Radio 8 - 224 2S    
953 AC Highboy 1930 Radio 8 - 224 2S    
953 AC Lowboy 1930 Radio 8 - 224 4 Bilder vorhanden 2S    
953 AC Phono Combination 1930 Radio 8 - 224 2S    
961 Table [25 c/s] 1930 ?? Radio 8 - 224 2S    
962 Table  [25 c/s] 1930 ?? Radio 8 - 224 2S    
963 draw type chassis [25 c/s] 1930 ?? Radio 8 - 224 2S    
963 Highboy [25 c/s] 1930 ?? Radio 8 - 224 2S    
963 Lowboy [25 c/s] 1930 ?? Radio 8 - 224 2S    
963 Phono Combination [25 c/s] 1930 ?? Radio 8 - 224 2S    
1471 Ch= R-147 1936 Radio 8 - 6K7 2 Bilder vorhanden 4S    
1472 Ch= R-147 1936 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
1473 Ch= R-147 1936 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
1474 Ch= R-147 1936 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
1475 Ch= R-147 1936 Radio 8 - 6K7 3 Bilder vorhanden 4S   $
1476 Ch= R-147 1936 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
1477 Ch= R-147 1936 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
1478 Ch= R-147 1936 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
1479 Ch= R-147 1936 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
1831 Ch= R-183 1937 ? Radio 8 - 6K7 2S    
1832 Ch= R-183 1937 ? Radio 8 - 6K7 2S    
1834 Ch= R-183 1937 ? Radio 8 - 6K7 2S    
1836 Ch= R-183 1937 ? Radio 8 - 6K7 2S    
1837 Ch= R-183 1937 ? Radio 8 - 6K7 2S    
1838 Ch= R-183 1937 ? Radio 8 - 6K7 2S    
1839 Ch= R-183 1937 ? Radio 8 - 6K7 2S    
9010-A 1948 ?? Radio 8 - 6SK7 7 Bilder vorhanden 8S    
9041A 1952 ?? Radio 8 - 6SK7 4S    
9150-D 1952 ? Radio 8 - 6AG5 1 Bilder vorhanden 14S   $
9150-DZ 1952 ? Radio 8 - 6AG5 1 Bilder vorhanden 13S   $
Cabinet No 35 ch= 900 series 1929 Radio 8 - UY227 4 Bilder vorhanden 3S    
Dublette id= 117989 [aus Versehen] 9999 ?? Radio 8 - 227      
R-1479P Ch= R-147P 1936 Radio 8 - 6K7 4S    
Sheraton 58 highboy 900 Ch= 913 [25 Hz] 1929 Radio 8 - 227 6 Bilder vorhanden 4S    
01-817 Ch= 01-81 1939 Radio 8 - 6K7 3 Bilder vorhanden 3S   $
900 series miscellaneous models 1929 Radio 8 - UY227 4 Bilder vorhanden     $
950 AC series ch = 950 AC 1929 Radio 8 - 224 16 Bilder vorhanden 3S   $
1833 Ch= R-183 1937/38 Radio 8 - 6K7 4 Bilder vorhanden 2S    
1835 Ch= R-183 1937/38 Radio 8 - 6K7 12 Bilder vorhanden 2S   $
9150-B 1951 Radio 8 - 6AG5 2 Bilder vorhanden 19S   $
A92CR3 1947 Radio 9 - 6BA6 1 Bilder vorhanden 23S   $
A92CR3S Ch= 9028-CS 1947 Radio 9 - 6BA6 1 Bilder vorhanden 25S   $
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