Z477 Rearing Horse & Rider (Cowboy)

Abbotwares; Los Angeles, CA

  • Año
  • 1947–1949
  • Categoría
  • Radio - o Sintonizador pasado WW2
  • Radiomuseum.org ID
  • 239221

 Especificaciones técnicas

  • Numero de valvulas
  • 5
  • Principio principal
  • Superheterodino con paso previo de RF; ZF/IF 455 kHz
  • Gama de ondas
  • OM (onda media) solamente
  • Tensión de funcionamiento
  • Red: Aparato AC/DC. / 110 Volt
  • Altavoz
  • Altavoz dinámico (de imán permanente) / Ø 4 inch = 10.2 cm
  • Potencia de salida
  • 1 W (unknown quality)
  • Material
  • Metálico
  • de Radiomuseum.org
  • Modelo: Z477 Rearing Horse & Rider - Abbotwares; Los Angeles, CA
  • Forma
  • Radio de diseño, novedosa, aparato de capricho, o de forma rara.
  • Anotaciones
  • These horse radios are collectables. Abbotwares used the same basic radio in many different designs of the horses - such as: "Standing Horse", the most often seen version, while the "Rearing Horse & Cowboy" is seldom encountered. Even rare are "Prancing Horse & Cowgirl", "Lady Godiva", "Moose" and "Hula Dancer". All these models have the chassis number Z-477. Please use the right model when uploading collector prices because they differ greatly depending on the model.

    For this model and others, please look up this article and check the models present before creating an other. At the moment we do not distinguish the materials and sizes. This will come later when we can present more pictures. Now we include data in the caption - if well done.

  • Peso neto
  • 4.5 kg / 9 lb 14.6 oz (9.912 lb)
  • Autor
  • Modelo creado por Ernst Erb. Ver en "Modificar Ficha" los participantes posteriores.

 Colecciones | Museos | Literatura


Contribuciones en el Foro acerca de este modelo: Abbotwares; Los: Z477 Rearing Horse & Rider

Hilos: 1 | Mensajes: 1

Up to now we did only show one model page for the different Abbotware radios with a horse on top or an other figure. As a first step I only created five model pages more and was after that searching for more information. This after moving the pictures to the right models. Then I detected three more under wrong names and integrated the pictures to the right models and deleted the wrong entries.

Here what I found in "The Billboard" November 15, 1947 on the "Marchandise-Classified" pages 76 (text) and 77 (pictures) - as a summary, followed by pictures:

Ads by "Allied Distributors", 417 S.W. 12th Ave., Portland 5, Oregon in "The Billboard" November 15, 1947 on page 76 and 77 with a price list of the same radios in different materials like Bronze (no suffix), Copper (C), Silver (S), Gold (G), Black and Silver (Y) and a Palomino (X). The are called "Western Horse Radio" and were offered in 3 different sizes. With no accessories they start with an R for the model number, followed by 1 for 7.5 inch size, 2 for 10.5 inch and 3 for 12.5 inch size. With a clock they start with C instead of R, D means 1 pen holder and clock (only for the small size), B means two pen holders (only for the two bigger ones).
Example Model R3C is in Bronze, size 12.5 inch. C3C would have a clock.

There was also offered an 13.5 inch "Rearing Horse and Rider Radio" as number 4 with otherwise same designations and options. Number 5 is the "Lady Godiva on Horse Radio" but this was only available as R5 with 2 pen holders or without accessories. The last offer then was number 6 as "Two Race Horses with Jockeys", all in Bronze. R6 is with no accossories, B6 with two pen holders, C6 with clock and D6 with 1 pen holder and clock.

Original prices were from $ 36 up to $ 83.75 depending on size, material and accessories.

Probably most use the same chassis Z477 for AM 550-1650 kHz with a 4" speaker for AC/DC operation on 110 volts.Brass plate dial with engraved and painted frequencies, two swirled plastic knobs. The tube line-up is

12BE6 (RF), 12BA6 (IF), 12AT6 (Det.), 50B5 (Audio) and 35W4 (Rect.).

We can assume that the 3 mentioned models were out 1947 and more models like for instance the "Two Rearing Horses" were offered later. Possibly they have the same chassis, but perhaps not.

I hope now that some members with more knowledge help to complete this collection. Maybe a guest has one or knows more?

As a guest, please use the link "Contact" on the bottom of each RMorg-page to bring in more information like measures, weight, pictures new models etc.

Ernst Erb, 03.Aug.13

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