Radio-Star 560 Ch= 521
Airzone (1931) Ltd.; Sydney
- País
- Australia
- Fabricante / Marca
- Airzone (1931) Ltd.; Sydney
- Año
- 1937
- Categoría
- Radio - o Sintonizador pasado WW2
- ID
- 109116
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- Numero de valvulas
- 5
- Principio principal
- Superheterodino en general; ZF/IF 456 kHz; 2 Etapas de AF
- Número de circuitos sintonía
- 6 Circuíto(s) AM
- Gama de ondas
- OM y OC
- Tensión de funcionamiento
- Red: Corriente alterna (CA, Inglés = AC) / 200-250 Volt
- Altavoz
- Altavoz electrodinámico (bobina de campo) / Ø 6.5 inch = 16.5 cm
- Material
- Bakelita
- de
- Modelo: Radio-Star 560 Ch= 521 - Airzone 1931 Ltd.; Sydney
- Forma
- Sobremesa alto decorativa, similar a Capilla pero cuadrado (Tombstone, can have rounded edges).
- Anotaciones
Airzone model "560" is a five-valve receiver, using chassis type "521", which is designed for dual-wave coverage and operating from 200-250 volts A.C. mains. This receiver is housed in a moulded cabinet of the mantel type, and is fitted with four controls - volume, tuning, wave-change (with wave-band indication by dial-scale illumination), and tone (3 positions). The loadspeaker fitted to this receiver is a 6½ inch unit with a field coil resistance of 1,500 ohms. This receiver was introduced during 1937.
The design of this receiver is quite conventional and circuit analysis should present no particular difficulty. Points to watch are the shunt-fed oscillator feed-back system; the section of the wave-change switch which short-circuits the broadcast oscillator grid coil when the receiver is adjusted for S.W. operation; and the bleed bias system for the type 75 triode section. (RADIO TECHNICIAN)
- Precio durante el primer año
- 19.95 AUS £
- Referencia esquema
- Australian Official Radio Service Manual Vol. I I
- Documentación / Esquemas (1)
- Radio Technician (August 1939.)
- Documentación / Esquemas (2)
- Australian Official Radio Service Manual AORSM (Volume 2, 1939, Page 22 (shown as 521 (chassis type)).)
- Autor
- Modelo creado por Peter Hughes. Ver en "Modificar Ficha" los participantes posteriores.
- Otros modelos
Donde encontrará 283 modelos, 131 con imágenes y 154 con esquemas.
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El modelo Radio-Star es parte de las colecciones de los siguientes miembros.