• Anno
  • 1978–1985
  • Categoria
  • Elaborazione di segnali e strumenti di calcolo (Computer e moduli SP)
  • Radiomuseum.org ID
  • 358358

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 Specifiche tecniche

  • Gamme d'onda
  • - senza
  • Tensioni di funzionamento
  • Fornita mediante altra unità o unità principale. / DC: 5 & 12 & -12 Volt
  • Altoparlante
  • - - Nessuna uscita audio.
  • Materiali
  • Printed Circuit Board
  • Radiomuseum.org
  • Modello: MPU Card 260-21 - Albis, Albiswerke AG Siemens
  • Forma
  • Chassis o in scatola da montaggio
  • Dimensioni (LxAxP)
  • 248 x 152 x 10 mm / 9.8 x 6 x 0.4 inch
  • Annotazioni
  • The 260-21 MPU Card carries the 6800 microprocessor with 6871A 2-phase clock and the 9511 APU (Arithmetic Processing Unit) that are used in CAVIAR microcomputers. It also carries two 6821 PIA (Peripheral Interface Adapters), a 68488 GPIA (General Purpose Interface Adapter) with IEEE-488 GPIB transceivers, a 6810 RAM stack, one 2708 EPROM, and two 6850 ACIA (Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapters) with both RS232C and opto-coupled current loop teletype drivers. A 14411 Baud Rate Generator provides separately selectable speeds for the serial ports. The card is compatible with Motorola's Micromodule bus, from which it draws DC power at 5 V, 12 V and -12 V, while a -5 V supply is derived from the -12 V supply internally.

    The APU uses Chebyshev polynomials to implement algorithms which enhance the mathematical capability of the microprocessor. Fixed-point single and double precision and floating-point single precision (32-bit) formats are processed using stacks for operand storage. Floating-point execution times range from 30 µs minimum for an add to 93 µs for divide, while 11 derived floating-point functions execute in times from 434 µs for square root to 5 ms for exponentiation. Trigonometric functions typically execute in 2 - 4 ms, and the speed of evaluation of logarithms permits the semi-log and log-log scaling of graphics. The APU stack access time is accommodated by stretching the Ø2 phase of the microprocessor clock, which is compatible with the Ø1 phase stretching required for the refresh cycles of some dynamic RAMs.

    The GPIA implements the talker and listener functions of the GPIB, while the ATN, IFC and REN bus drivers are switched by one of the PIAs to implement a subset of the controller functions. Instead of using switches, the GPIB addresses can be changed from the default values by software if desired. The GPIB interface was often used to connect a dual floppy disc drive as well as laboratory instruments.

    The MPU Card has two 50-pin IDC connectors. The I/O connector carries the connections to the reset switch, the GPIB and the two serial ports, while the NAF/Control connector provides the station Number, Address and Function code to the CAMAC branch driver cards, as well as selecting one of seven crates and receiving the Q and X status signals, program select bits, branch demands and error signals. With typical CAMAC crate controllers and control signal integration, a complete branch highway cycle has a duration of about 1.7 µs.

    The on-board EPROM is programmed with a re-assembly of the source of the Motorola Minibus-2 ROM with I/O and stack address assignments compacted to augment the address space available for system and user software. A restart vector switch allows the selection of either monitor or system (or user program) entry at power-on, and in the first two cases subsequent exchange of control can be made by keyboard commands. To overcome the 64 KB address limitation of the 6800 microprocessor, a SuperCAVIAR Converter was developed in 1981 that uses memory mapping to expand the physical address space. This facility provided independent firmware and RAM maps, dynamic allocation of common RAM, automatic inter-page transfer modes, and a RAM/EPROM overlay.

    The MPU card was designed by Bruce Taylor in 1977 and, following competitive bidding by 8 European companies, it was manufactured by Siemens-Albis SA from 1978 till 1985.

  • Peso netto
  • 0.3 kg / 0 lb 10.6 oz (0.661 lb)
  • Bibliografia
  • -- Original-techn. papers. (Conference Papers March 1978 and May 1981)
  • Autore
  • Modello inviato da Bruce Taylor. Utilizzare "Proponi modifica" per inviare ulteriori dati.

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