• Anno
  • 1925 ?
  • Categoria
  • Parte di radio (ma non modulo a sè stante)
  • Radiomuseum.org ID
  • 331843

 Specifiche tecniche

  • Gamme d'onda
  • Gamme d'onda nelle note.
  • Tensioni di funzionamento
  • Alimentazione non richiesta
  • Materiali
  • Speciale materiale, descritti nelle note.
  • Radiomuseum.org
  • Modello: AWA Duolateral Coils - Amalgamated Wireless
  • Annotazioni
  • AWA Duolateral Coils
    Wound on automatic-precision machinery, AWA Duolateral Coils combine high conductivity with effective insulation between turns.
    AWA Duolateral Coils are mounted on de-luxe bakelite coil plugs with black celluloid diamond strip, and then the shoulders are specially bound with black waxed thread, which holds the coil rigidly in position.
    AWA Coils are non-hygroscopic, offer very low radio-frequency resistance, and self-capacity is at a minimum. They may be used as tuning, loading, coupling, or wavemeter inductances, ensuring the highest degree of efficiency for your set. Made in sizes to suit your requirements, each AWA Duolateral Coil is attractively boxed, and the wavelength table printed on the carton.

    The Duolateral coil winding method made improvements over the previous honeycomb wound coils with approximately 15% less distributed capacity, 12% more inductance as well as the 74% less high frequency resistance. They are also smaller in size for given inductances than previous honeycomb would coils.

    No. of Turns Inductance  µH Wavelengths with .001 Condenser
    20 20 50-260
    25 30 100-375
    35 80 150-525
    50 150 190-675
    75 330 240-925
    100 550 340-1,340
    150 1,300 500-1,960
    200 2,400 650-2,675
    250 3,600 725-3,575
    300 5,000 1,050-4,200
    400 9,000 1,600-6,000
    500 15,000 2,0000-7,500
    600 21,500 3,000-9,000
    750 35,500 4,000-11,000
    1,000 62,250 4,500-16,000
    1,250 100,000 6,310-18,240
    1,500 160,000 7,635-22,210


  • Bibliografia
  • - - Manufacturers Literature
  • Autore
  • Modello inviato da Gary Cowans. Utilizzare "Proponi modifica" per inviare ulteriori dati.

 Collezioni | Musei | Letteratura
