Expanse Triple Magnifying Receiver 103

Australectric Ltd.; Sydney, NSW

  • Año
  • 1918
  • Categoría
  • Receptor profesional (puede incluir bandas de aficionados)
  • Radiomuseum.org ID
  • 299112

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 Especificaciones técnicas

  • Numero de valvulas
  • 3
  • Válvulas
  • Principio principal
  • RFS con reacción (regenerativo)
  • Gama de ondas
  • Bandas de recepción puestas en notas.
  • Tensión de funcionamiento
  • Pilas + jack (etc.) para alimentación externa. / 6 V, 160 Volt
  • Altavoz
  • - Este modelo usa amplificador externo de B.F.
  • Material
  • Madera
  • de Radiomuseum.org
  • Modelo: Expanse Triple Magnifying Receiver 103 - Australectric Ltd.; Sydney,
  • Forma
  • Sobremesa, caja, normalmente con tapa (panel no inclinado).
  • Anotaciones
  • The Model 103 was the first Marine Valve receiver designed by AWA and manufactured by Australectric Co. for Australian ships. It consisted of one stage of RF, a detector and an audio stage.  The set covered reception from 300 to 6000 metres. Additional inductance could be added to increase the coverage to 15000 metres.

    The Model 103A was also available which covered 300 to 15000 metres.

    The radio incorporates a crystal detector which can be switched into circuit for use as an Emergency Crystal Receiver should the valve circuit fail.

    The receiver can be switched to receive either “undamped” or “damped” spark radio waves.

    Results from land based and ship based stations were included in the manufacturers literature for this receiver on page 5.

    Land Station

    Aerial 120 ft long, 70 ft high, at Wahroonga, NSW, Australia.
    First direct messages, England to Australia, received at 1:15PM, Sept 23, 1918.

    Signals from:-
    Carnarvon, Wales            12,000 miles
    Nauen, Germany             11,000 miles

    Ship Stations

    1. Aerial 90 ft high, 160 ft long.
    Darien                    8,000 miles
    Nauen                  11,000 miles
    Pearl harbour        4,000 miles daylight

    2. Aerial 60ft high 90 ft long
    Darien                    8,000 miles
    Nauen                  11,000 miles
    Pearl harbour        4,000 miles daylight

    See uploaded page 5 for more results.
    An excellent example of this receiver is preserved in Museum Victoria, article 12665.

  • Mencionado en
  • - - Manufacturers Literature (Receiver Operators Handbook)
  • Autor
  • Modelo creado por Gary Cowans. Ver en "Modificar Ficha" los participantes posteriores.

 Colecciones | Museos | Literatura


El modelo Expanse Triple Magnifying Receiver está documentado en la siguiente literatura.
