Direction Finding Set SCR-504-A BC-792-A

Andrea Radio Corp.; Long Island (NY)

  • Anno
  • 1943
  • Categoria
  • Ricevitore militare
  • ID
  • 226223
    • Brand: Deresnadyne

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 Specifiche tecniche

  • Numero di tubi
  • 8
  • Principio generale
  • Supereterodina a doppia / tripla conversione
  • Gamme d'onda
  • Onde medie (OM), lunghe (OL) e più di 2 gamme di onde corte (>2 x OC).
  • Tensioni di funzionamento
  • Batteria di accumulatori, per tutto (es. autoradio, radio amatoriali) / 6 / 36 + 36 Volt
  • Altoparlante
  • - solo per cuffie o auricolari
  • Materiali
  • Pelle / stoffa / plastica ma con altro materiale sottostante
  • Modello: Direction Finding Set SCR-504-A BC-792-A - Andrea Radio Corp.; Long
  • Forma
  • Apparecchio portatile > 20 cm (senza la necessità di una rete)
  • Dimensioni (LxAxP)
  • 500 x 400 x 150 mm / 19.7 x 15.7 x 5.9 inch
  • Annotazioni
  • The SCR-504-A Radio Direction Finding Set is a portable suitcase direction finder powered by accumulators, the receiver itself BC-792-A covers 100 kHz to 65 MHz in eight bands, reception modes AM and CW (A1).

    The set SCR-504-A consists of the receiver BC-792-A, powered by a 6V BB-51 heaters accumulator and two BB-52 36V plate voltage batteries wired in series. The accumulators can be charged from the PE-128-A battery charger operated from a 6 or 12V DC car battery installation, the battery charger is connected to the receiver by means of a CD-658-A power cord, the matching headphones for the receiver are HS-34-A hearing aid earphones.

    A small panel of controls is positioned below the carrying handle. These control the volume of signals received. An internal loop antenna is used for direction finding, a small sense button can be depressed to switch to the rod antenna as an auxiliary antenna for sense determination, to determine the direction of a signal from the ambiguous bearing.

    The BC-792-A was used by US Military Intelligence. When carried as a normal suitcase, a small panel of controls below the carrying handle lets the operator access the controls while operating the receiver being carried around.

  • Peso netto
  • 9.5 kg / 20 lb 14.8 oz (20.925 lb)
  • Bibliografia
  • -- Original-techn. papers. (TM 11-862)
  • Autore
  • Modello inviato da Mauro Grando. Utilizzare "Proponi modifica" per inviare ulteriori dati.

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