7570 Model 20C, 20 Compact UV-sockets
Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphia, USA
- País
- Estados Unidos
- Fabricante / Marca
- Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphia, USA
- Año
- 1925
- Categoría
- Radio - o Sintonizador pasado WW2
- Radiomuseum.org ID
- 33219
Haga clic en la miniatura esquemática para solicitarlo como documento gratuito.
- Numero de valvulas
- 5
- Principio principal
- RFS sin reacción
- Número de circuitos sintonía
- 3 Circuíto(s) AM
- Gama de ondas
- OM (onda media) solamente
- Tensión de funcionamiento
- Baterías recargables o pilas
- Altavoz
- - Este modelo usa amplificador externo de B.F.
- Material
- Madera
- de Radiomuseum.org
- Modelo: 7570 Model 20C, 20 Compact [UV-sockets] - Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.;
- Forma
- Sobremesa, caja, normalmente con tapa (panel no inclinado).
- Ancho, altura, profundidad
- 20 x 6.25 x 6.25 inch / 508 x 159 x 159 mm
- Anotaciones
- The "C" is not shown on the label !
Can also accept UX tubes.
There is also the 20C Compact with UX sockets and the 20 big box.!
- Peso neto
- 5.4 kg / 11 lb 14.3 oz (11.894 lb)
- Precio durante el primer año
- 80.00 $
- Ext. procedencia de los datos
- Ernst Erb
- Procedencia de los datos
- Radio Manufacturers of the 1920s, Vol 1
- Referencia esquema
- Rider's Perpetual, Volume 1 = 1931/1934 (for 1919-1931)
- Mencionado en
- Collector's Guide to Antique Radios 4. Edition
- Documentación / Esquemas (1)
- A.Atwater Kent, The Man, 2002
- Otros modelos
Donde encontrará 507 modelos, 331 con imágenes y 332 con esquemas.
Ir al listado general de Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphia, USA
El modelo 7570 es parte de las colecciones de los siguientes miembros.
- Jürgen Bauch (D)
- Alexandr Belokopitov (UA)
- Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014 (D)
- Henry Boyars (USA)
- Gualtiero Cainelli (I)
- Francisco Gallego (E)
- Valery Gromov (RUS)
- Hans-Dieter Haase † 5.2.18 (D)
- Volker Jeschkeit (I)
- Wolfgang Lohrie (AUS)
- Sofronios Markidis (GR)
- Hector Ruben Menendez (RA)
- Roberto Montalto (I)
- Moisés Piedade (P)
- Ernst Röggla (I)
- Lindsay Shepherd (AUS)
- Leonard Sparks (USA)
- Ralf Sürtenich (D)
- Serioja Tatu (CDN)
- Giuseppe Antonio Tusini (I)
El modelo 7570 se puede ver en los siguientes museos.
Contribuciones en el Foro acerca de este modelo: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co: 7570 Model 20C, 20 Compact
Hilos: 3 | Mensajes: 8
Reading about the markings (Not Guaranteed) under the metal label on the Model 20 cabinet reminded me that I had found a printed serial number under the front panel brass label while restoring my model.
I attach a photo of the printed serial number hidden behind the front panel label.
I assume that the serial number is under the brass front panel label for some security or warranty purpose.
I had to reattach the printed serial number label to a new piece of backing as it was very fragile (nearly 90 years old)
I wont lift my cabinet metal label to see if it has “Not Guaranteed” under it as it is held on too well.
kind regards
Lindsay Shepherd
Lindsay Shepherd, 09.Nov.11
A guest sent us an interesting photo.
He unscrewed the plate of this model 20 and was astonished to find this clear stamp that this set is "NOT GUARANTEED".
His own text is:
We received this by courtesy of guest Tom Hart, Dedham, MA, USA.
I have been refinishing an Atwater Kent Model 20 TRF receiver. The original finish was gone and needed complete replacement. When I removed the metal label from inside of the top lid, I found an interesting notice.
The photo shows the text. Apparently, this was burned into the wood under serial number name plate (which is shown in the photo). Atwater Kent probably did this to refuse service for a radio without the serial number information, I suspect.
You find a bigger picture at the photos of the set - with the courtesy remark.
This compact model was most probably the most sold model 20 (compact, 7570 UV-sockets) from Atwater-Kent. The many collections we show for this model are also prooving this. But said this, we can also see that the 20 "big box" 4640 must have nearly the same sales figures, whereas the others seem to be much less sold. We list 10 different models for this "series" 20.
I hope that not everybody will now unscrew the plate - but still, it would be of interest to know in which circumstances we find that "warning" and in which not.
Ernst Erb, 30.Nov.10
Bestückung ist 5 * 201A oder Äquivalente. Es wurden 1925 163.776 Geräte dieser Serie gebaut, 1926 noch einmal 119. Der Preis ohne Röhren betrug 1925 USA-$ 80.
Keine Rückkopplung, 3 Kreis, Mittelwelle; Maße: 500 / 160 / 190
Korrektur und Ergänzung am 11.03.2004 nach Rücksprache mit Herrn Birkner (danke!):
Keine Rückkopplung, 3 Kreise, Mittelwelle; Maße: 500 / 160 / 190
7570 ist die erste Compact (C) Serie des Model 20. Die technisch praktisch gleich ausgeführte 4640 Serie wurde ausschließlich im normalen Cabinet gebaut, der sogenannten "Big Box". Die 1925 gebaute Stückzahl der 7570 betrug 163.376.
Die 1924 eingeführte 4640 Big Box kostete $100, das Deluxe Model 24 (Serie 4920) dagegen $120, das ebenfalls 1924 produzierte Breadboard 10C $85. Schon 1926 kostete dann die zweite 20C Serie (7960) nur noch $60. Alle diese Receiver waren technisch gleichwertig. Das zeigt auch sehr gut, wie preissensitiv der Markt damals schon war.
Ralf Sürtenich, 23.Feb.04