• Année
  • 1941
  • Catégorie
  • Radio - ou tuner d'après la guerre 1939-45
  • Radiomuseum.org ID
  • 281478
    • alternative name: General Electric Company of Australia Ltd.

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 Spécifications techniques

  • No. de tubes
  • 4
  • Principe général
  • Super hétérodyne (en général); FI/IF 455 kHz; 2 Etage(s) BF
  • Circuits accordés
  • 6 Circuits MA (AM)
  • Gammes d'ondes
  • PO uniquement
  • Tension / type courant
  • Alimentation Courant Alternatif (CA) / 200-260 Volt
  • Haut-parleur
  • HP dynamique à électro-aimant (électrodynamique) / Ø 5 inch = 12.7 cm
  • Puissance de sortie
  • 4 W (sans distorsion)
  • Matière
  • Boitier en bois
  • De Radiomuseum.org
  • Modèle: Hotpoint-Bandmaster B64ME - Australian General Electric GE
  • Forme
  • Modèle de table sans poussoirs, modèle cheminée
  • Remarques
  • 4Valve, AC powered, Superheterodyne

    Chassis also used in AWA Radiola 92 and Hotpoint-Bandmaster C64ME

  • Schémathèque (1)
  • Australian Official Radio Service Manual Vol. IV, page 167
  • Auteur
  • Modèle crée par Gary Cowans. Voir les propositions de modification pour les contributeurs supplémentaires.

 Collections | Musées | Littérature


Le modèle Hotpoint-Bandmaster est documenté dans la littérature suivante.


Contributions du forum pour ce modèle: Australian General: Hotpoint-Bandmaster B64ME

Discussions: 1 | Publications: 1

The notes below the image showing a Hotpoint B64ME state the example shown is missing what has been called the speaker escutcheon.

The B64ME never had a speaker grille. Only Model C64ME had one.

The image below showing the B64ME is actually in its original condition.

Also an incorrect image belonging to Hotpoint Model C64ME has been uploaded to the same Hotpoint B64ME page.

See below.

The differences between the two models can be clearly seen. Note the edging around the base of C64ME.




Another error found on this page is the linking of this model to the HRSA Radio Waves, April 2016, article titled Restoration: Hotpoint Bandmaster B64ME.

The radio that is the subject of the article is actually a C64ME or C64MEY.

The author of the article does however acknowledge that the radio "is probably a B64ME or C64ME"

Martin Kent, 08.Dec.22

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