Boonton Q-Meter 170-A

Boonton Radio Corp.; Boonton, NJ

  • Jahr
  • 1939–1959 ??
perfect model
  • Kategorie
  • Service- oder Labor-Ausrüstung
  • ID
  • 219469

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 Technische Daten

  • Hauptprinzip
  • Spezielle Schaltung? Bitte bei Bemerkung nachtragen.
  • Wellenbereiche
  • Wellen in den Bemerkungen.
  • Betriebsart / Volt
  • Wechselstromspeisung / 115 Volt
  • Lautsprecher
  • - - Kein Ausgang für Schallwiedergabe.
  • Material
  • Metallausführung
  • von
  • Modell: Boonton Q-Meter 170-A - Boonton Radio Corp.; Boonton,
  • Form
  • Tischgerät-gross, - Querformat (breiter als hoch oder quadratisch).
  • Bemerkung
  • The Boonton Q-Meter Type 170-A covers 30 MHz to 200 MHz and is the sister instrument to the Type 160-A which covers 50 kc (kHz) to 75 mc (MHz). With the internal multiplier Qs from 0 to 1200 can be measured. Basic accuracy is ±10%. Price in Boonton Catalog B from 1942 is $ 490.00.

    Boonton, New Jersey-based Boonton Radio Corporation was founded in 1934 by W. D. Loughlin and several associates and was a manufacturer of electronic test instruments. The new firm concentrated its engineering skill on creating new measuring equipment for the still-young radio industry. Model 100 was the first Q-meter (worldwide), followed by the Q-meters 160-A and 170-A.

    HP acquired Boonton in 1959 as a wholly-owned subsidiary. By then the firm had 150 employees and was a pioneer maker of precision instruments for measuring electrical circuit quality and checking aircraft guidance systems. In a year of phenomenal growth for HP (the company acquired three other firms in 1959), Boonton added to the HP family an old, well-established company with an excellent reputation in a field closely related to many HP products.

  • Autor
  • Modellseite von Ernst Erb angelegt. Siehe bei "Änderungsvorschlag" für weitere Mitarbeit.

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