Winthrop RA-103C
DuMont Labs, Allen B., Inc.
- País
- Estados Unidos
- Fabricante / Marca
- DuMont Labs, Allen B., Inc.
- Año
- 1948 ?
- Categoría
- Televisión con radio y/o grabadora.
- ID
- 168917
- alternative name: Dumont Television & Radio
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- Numero de valvulas
- 28
- Válvulas
- 6J6 6AK5 6J6 6AG5 6AG5 6AG5 6AL5 6AC7 12JP4 6AU6 6AU6 6AL5 6SJ7 6V6GT 6AL7GT 6SN7GT 6SJ7 6AL5 6K6GT 6SN7GT 6SN7GT 6AC7 6BG6G 1B3GT 5V4G 5U4G 5U4G 6AL5
- Principio principal
- Superheterodino en general; ZF/IF 26400 21900 kHz
- Gama de ondas
- Bandas de recepción puestas en notas.
- Especialidades
- Tocadiscos con cambiador autom.
- Tensión de funcionamiento
- Red: Corriente alterna (CA, Inglés = AC) / 105-129 Volt
- Altavoz
- Altavoz dinámico (de imán permanente) / Ø 10 inch = 25.4 cm
- Potencia de salida
- 3 W (unknown quality)
- Material
- Madera
- de
- Modelo: Winthrop RA-103C - DuMont Labs, Allen B., Inc.
- Forma
- Consola en general
- Anotaciones
- The DuMont RA-103 series of televisions (or "Telesets" as DuMont called them) are popular with collectors because of their high quality electrical design and interesting cabinets. All RA-103 models have a 12 inch round CRT and a continuous tuner with a triple roller inductor that covers the VHF low, FM radio, and VHF high bands in one continuous range (44-216 MHz). The tuner is a Mallory "Inductuner" and was referred to as an "Inputuner" by DuMont.
Early versions of the RA-103 had a 6U5GT or 6G5GT tuning eye (according to Rider TV vol. 1), but most sets found today have a 6AL7GT tuning eye as original equipment.
The first models of the RA-103 family were introduced in 1947. The RA-103 Chatham, a mahogany table model with an unusual trapezoidal shape (nicknamed the "Doghouse") seems to be the most commonly found today. The RA-103 Stratford is a table model with doors (see Rider TV vol. 1). The RA-103 Meadowbrook is a mahogany console with no doors, the CRT in the upper left, and a 10-inch speaker center bottom. The RA-103 Savoy is a larger mahogany AM/FM/TV/Phono console with doors, having the CRT top center, AM tuning dial on the left, FM/TV tuning dial on the right, speaker bottom left, and phonograph (Webster model 56 record changer) bottom right. The Rider TV index also lists an RA-103 Sutton, but no further information about this model is available.
The series was updated at some point with the RA-103C Savoy (same cabinet as RA-103 Savoy) and the RA-103C Winthrop (similar to Savoy, but with knotty pine cabinet).
In 1949, the RA-103D series was introduced, with significant circuitry changes and some different tubes. The RA-103D Rumson is a mahogany table model with a rectangular profile and a square tuner window (prior to the RA-103D models, the TV/FM tuning windows were round). There are also two consoles, the RA-103D Sheffield and RA-103D Canterbury, both of which are known to be consoles because of their 10-inch speakers documented in Rider TV vols. 3 and 4. The RA-103D chassis is very similar to the chassis used in the RA-104A Hastings and RA-110A Wellington sets, which had 15-inch and 19-inch CRTs, respectively.
- Procedencia de los datos
- -- Original prospect or advert
- Referencia esquema
- Photofact Folder, Howard W. SAMS
- Documentación / Esquemas (1)
- Rider TV vol. 1-58; SAMS set 90 folder 3
- Autor
- Modelo creado por Thomas Albrecht. Ver en "Modificar Ficha" los participantes posteriores.
- Otros modelos
Donde encontrará 305 modelos, 158 con imágenes y 246 con esquemas.
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