• Año
  • 1924/1925
perfect model
  • Categoría
  • Radio - o Sintonizador pasado WW2
  • Radiomuseum.org ID
  • 37977
    • Brand: Leroy

 Especificaciones técnicas

  • Numero de valvulas
  • 3
  • Principio principal
  • RFS con reacción (regenerativo); 2 Etapas de AF
  • Número de circuitos sintonía
  • 1 Circuíto(s) AM
  • Gama de ondas
  • OM (onda media) solamente
  • Tensión de funcionamiento
  • Pilas / "C" 1 x 4.5 volts & "A" 3 x 1.5 & "B" 4 x 22.5 V Volt
  • Altavoz
  • - Este modelo usa altavoz exterior (1 o más).
  • Material
  • Madera con lámparas a la vista.
  • de Radiomuseum.org
  • Modelo: Echophone V-3 - Radio Shop, The Echophone;
  • Forma
  • Sobremesa de frontis inclinado.
  • Ancho, altura, profundidad
  • 11 x 9 x 12.5 inch / 279 x 229 x 318 mm
  • Anotaciones
  • The similar model sold as "Silvertone Meteor V3" by Sears & Roebuck.. The manufacturer was "The Radio Shop". Besides Sears, Echophone, and Radio Shop, also Armac sold this model. The model needs only dry cells, which was quite an advantage in 1924. Two dials as primary tuning control knobs, "Wavelength" and "Regeneration" and in the center below "Filament" rheostat.

    Early UV-199 tubes had 3-volt filaments and later they were rated at 3.3-volt filaments. Using two 1.5 volt cells provides only 3 volts and this decreases as the battery wears out.  The radio has a filament rheostat that the operator turns up until the radio begins playing and doesn’t need to turn it up any further, so the tubes do not operate the full 4.5 volts.  With three 1.5 volt cells, they can partially wear out and still provide 3.3 volts to the radio, as adjusted with the filament rheostat.  This is very similar to using a 6-volt storage battery to run 01A tubes with 5-volt filaments, as most radios with 01A tube used.


  • Peso neto
  • 6 kg / 13 lb 3.5 oz (13.216 lb)
  • Precio durante el primer año
  • 50.00 $
  • Ext. procedencia de los datos
  • Ernst Erb
  • Documentación / Esquemas (4)
  • January 1925 Radio Broadcast magazine advertisement page 562

 Colecciones | Museos | Literatura


El modelo Echophone V-3 es parte de las colecciones de los siguientes miembros.


Contribuciones en el Foro acerca de este modelo: Radio Shop, The: Echophone V-3

Hilos: 1 | Mensajes: 1

Maße: 290 / 220 / 390; Mittelwelle; 1-Kreiser mit RK; 3 Röhren: UV199 / UV199 / UV199; im Innern des Kästchens Fach für Trockenbatterien;

Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014, 05.Mar.04

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