Winner - Grid Battery 9

Ever Ready Co. (GB) Ltd.; London

  • Année
  • 1937 ??
  • Catégorie
  • Alimentation/stabilisateur de tension ou batterie ou chargeur
  • ID
  • 228160

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 Spécifications techniques

  • Gammes d'ondes
  • - sans
  • Tension / type courant
  • Batterie ou accumulateur / 9 Volt
  • Haut-parleur
  • - - Pas de sortie basse fréquence
  • De
  • Modèle: Winner - Grid Battery 9 - Ever Ready Co. GB Ltd.; London
  • Dimensions (LHP)
  • 2.875 x 5 x 0.875 inch / 73 x 127 x 22 mm
  • Remarques
  • Not an LT battery but for Grid Bias (GB). Probably 6 x cylindrical "B"  Dry Cells in one row internally.

    Uses "wander lead" connections, taps available at every cell (-1.5, -3, -4.5, -6, -7.5, -9).


    • GEC BB9
    • Vidor L5059
    • Others: H1001, Grid Bias 9, CG2
  • Poids net
  • 0.625 lb (0 lb 10 oz) / 0.284 kg
  • Auteur
  • Modèle crée par Michael Watterson. Voir les propositions de modification pour les contributeurs supplémentaires.

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Contributions du forum pour ce modèle: Ever Ready Co. GB: Winner - Grid Battery 9

Discussions: 1 | Publications: 1

These instructions are for the 1/8" (3.2mm approx) Wander Plug version.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Put AA holders and homemade sockets on a wooden board. Fill with six Alkaline AA cells.
  2. Buy two  3R12 (or 3LR12) 4.5V Lamp/Torch battery (Panasonic, Duracell, GP) like the old old Ever Ready 1289 which has "B" cells as in the original packs.

The life of the pack used for Tube/Valve grid bias (USA "C battery") is basically the shelf life. The Alkaline version is a useful bench test unit.

AA cell and 3R12 Flashlamp from Wikipedia

Printing the "cover"

The cover image is 179 x 208 mm (7" x 8.2") and should be printed 100% at 300dpi. Print on good quality paper (80gms or 90gms), not card, as any card for a printer is too thin. Then spray mount or use Pritt/UHU glue stick on thick card from a folder or cereal packet. Only then cut out.

Winner 9 printed

Stuck on card ready to cut

Don't leave to dry, but cut and fold at once so that paper stretches over card at corners.

Note that you can crease on the rear with a ball point pen and ruler. Ensure tabs/flaps have channel cut to allow for thickness of card when folded. The plain inner tabs are folded closer in than the creases for outer corners by card thickness.

In use the real packs had a tear off strip to expose all the top sockets. Early models filled with pitch / tar insulation. The height of the pack is basically the socket depth and R12 ( "B" cell) height. So cut a slot on the top.

Glue it all (General purpose glue (UHU, Evostick) or Impact Adhesive) except the top.


The AA version

Here five of the six cells have been mounted. The most positive contact is wired to the 0V socket. The most negative to the last, "-9V" socket.  Any combination of holders can be used as long as you have six cells. Scrape/file contacts and pre-tin. The plastic holder melts easily. A 1/4" (6mm) thick piece of board.

The sockets are bent strips of coffee tin.


The "B" Cell version.

Carefully remove the insides of the 3R12 pack by poping top off with a broad blade screwdriver.

Take care not to short the cells. If they are soldered in series with wires, don't separate them!

Cut a piece of card to fold as cell separtor/insulation about 122mm high and 230mm long and fold thus:

The sockets are made from strips of coffee tin bent in three with a tab left on the middle section. The tab is soldered to battery top cap such that when socket is bent upright the tab is inside the socket and socket centred on cell. The 0V socket solders to case of last cell.

Winner 9 sockets

For greater stability and "leakproof" the box could be filled with candle wax. Stick down the top flap.

I can also provide other Ever Ready versions, Vidor versions, Lissen, Oldham, Dome, Exide/Drydex versions, Pertrix, Regent, Sterling, Teleradio, Marspen, GEC, Siemens "Full O Power" and others. Or email me a photo.

Very old versions may use spade connectors and screw terminals

Pièces jointes

Michael Watterson, 28.Aug.13

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