Capehart-Panamuse M series General pictures and information

Farnsworth Television & Radio Corp. - see also Capehart

  • Año
  • 1941/1942
  • Categoría
  • Radio - o Sintonizador pasado WW2
  • ID
  • 238005

 Especificaciones técnicas

  • Numero de valvulas
  • 20
  • Principio principal
  • Superheterodino en general; ZF/IF 455/4300 kHz
  • Número de circuitos sintonía
  • 7 Circuíto(s) AM
  • Gama de ondas
  • OM, dos OC y FM
  • Especialidades
  • Tocadiscos con cambiador autom.
  • Tensión de funcionamiento
  • Red: Corriente alterna (CA, Inglés = AC) / 117 Volt
  • Altavoz
  • 2 Altavoces / Ø 12 inch = 30.5 cm
  • Potencia de salida
  • 20 W (unknown quality)
  • Material
  • Madera
  • de
  • Modelo: Capehart-Panamuse M series General pictures and information - Farnsworth Television & Radio
  • Forma
  • Consola con botonera.
  • Anotaciones
  • The models Capehart-Panamuse M series exist for AM only or combined with low band FM reception. This chassis M-2-FM is with FM and has 5 tubes more than the AM chassis. The M-2-FM receives BB, SW, Band spread SW and FM. See details and summaries in this common text for Capehart Radio-Phonographs. Post 3 is specific for this last pre war model family and the changer used. This is only a sample page to bring general pictures (shared by the models) and general information about Panamuse M series, both AM or FM - see the different models for their details. See Rider's Capehart-Farnsworth page 20-1 to 20-16 for the tuners and amplifiers.

  • Autor
  • Modelo creado por Ernst Erb. Ver en "Modificar Ficha" los participantes posteriores.

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