Personal Portable Radio P42

Ferris Bros. Pty Ltd.; Sydney

  • Anno
  • 1970–1972
  • Categoria
  • Radio (o sintonizzatore del dopoguerra WW2)
  • ID
  • 202117

 Specifiche tecniche

  • Numero di transistor
  • 7
  • Principio generale
  • Supereterodina (in generale)
  • N. di circuiti accordati
  • 4 Circuiti Mod. Amp. (AM)
  • Gamme d'onda
  • Solo onde medie (OM).
  • Tensioni di funzionamento
  • Batterie a secco / 1 x 9 Volt
  • Altoparlante
  • AP magnetodinamico (magnete permanente e bobina mobile) / Ø 3 inch = 7.6 cm
  • Materiali
  • Plastica (non bachelite o catalina)
  • Modello: Personal Portable Radio P42 - Ferris Bros. Pty Ltd.; Sydney
  • Forma
  • Tascabile (portatile molto piccola), < 20 cm
  • Dimensioni (LxAxP)
  • 150.5 x 95.5 x 47 mm / 5.9 x 3.8 x 1.9 inch
  • Annotazioni
  • Ferris Personal Portable Radio P42; The transistors are made by Fairchild Melbourne and carry a custom designation. Two examples seen have neither an ARTS&P label nor a serial number. Weight includes carry case but is without battery,

    Battery types: Eveready 2362; Berec PP22; National 106P; Ray-O-Vac RR362; Toshiba T106P. These radios work well with a modern alkaline PP3/6F22 type battery substituted.

    See also the Ferris Portable Pocket Radio P 41 with similar RF part.

    One example found has a label with 42/20452 inside the rear case.

  • Peso netto
  • 0.420 kg / 0 lb 14.8 oz (0.925 lb)
  • Prezzo nel primo anno
  • 32.00 AUS $
  • Autore
  • Modello inviato da un iscritto da A. Utilizzare "Proponi modifica" per inviare ulteriori dati.

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Discussioni nel forum su questo modello: Ferris Bros. Pty Ltd: Personal Portable Radio P42

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The following information appeared in Ferris Service Bulletin of 10 October 1971.

A poor copy of the relevant part of that Service Bulletin is attached. The image (Fig 3) is of acceptable quality.

3. Breakage of Resistor R10 – Model P42 

In some cases movement of the battery has caused breakage of Resistor R10. There have also been some instances of the battery terminal contacting the anode lead of Diode D1. When Model P42 radios are received for service, it is advisable to carry out the following preventative modifications. (refer FIG 3).

a)     Remove and relocate Resuistor R10 below the printed circuit board.

b)    Unsolver the anode lead of Diode D1. Slip a length of insulating tubing over this lead. Resolder.


Service note signed

K.W. Hill

General Sales Manager


Brian Wilson, 30.Apr.14

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