120 "The Hepplewhite"
General Motors Radio Corp.
- País
- Estados Unidos
- Fabricante / Marca
- General Motors Radio Corp.
- Año
- 1930/1931
- Categoría
- Radio - o Sintonizador pasado WW2
- Radiomuseum.org ID
- 42882
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- Numero de valvulas
- 8
- Principio principal
- RFS (Radio Frecuencia Sintonizada) en general; 2 Etapas de AF; Screengrid 1926-1935
- Número de circuitos sintonía
- 4 Circuíto(s) AM
- Gama de ondas
- OM (onda media) solamente
- Tensión de funcionamiento
- Red: Corriente alterna (CA, Inglés = AC)
- Altavoz
- Altavoz electrodinámico (bobina de campo)
- Material
- Madera
- de Radiomuseum.org
- Modelo: 120 "The Hepplewhite" - General Motors Radio Corp.
- Forma
- Consola baja, patas más cortas del 50%.
- Ancho, altura, profundidad
- 26 x 40 x 16 inch / 660 x 1016 x 406 mm
- Anotaciones
The General Motors model 120 "The Hepplewhite" is an AC operated, 8 tube BC band receiver. This radio has four tuned radio frequency circuits using three 224 screen grid tubes, a dectector stage using a 227 tube, a first audio stage using a 227 tube and the final audio stage consisting of two 245 tubes configured as a push-pull amplifier. The set also uses a 280 full wave rectifier tube.
1930 General Motors Catalog states: A style named after its creator, George Hepplewhite, a cabinet maker of England whose design began to influence British furniture-making about 1760. Noted for the use of straight lines and graceful curves. This model is a simple, graceful lowboy in harmony with practically any setting.
There are four knobs: Upper left is the tone control, lower left is the power switch, upper right is the station selector and the lower right is the volume control. The small lower dial is the tone indicator.
The following models use the same chassis and schematic but have different cabinets:
Model Configuration 120 "The Hepplewhite" Radio 130 "The Sheraton" Radio 140 "The Late Italian" Radio 150 "The Queen Anne" Radio - Phonograph 160 "The Georgian" Radio - Phonograph
- Precio durante el primer año
- 136.00 $ +
- Ext. procedencia de los datos
- Ernst Erb
- Procedencia de los datos
- Radio Collector`s Guide 1921-1932
- Mencionado en
- - - Manufacturers Literature (General Motors Catalog Form R-3207 Adv 5/1930)
- Otros modelos
Donde encontrará 59 modelos, 29 con imágenes y 49 con esquemas.
Ir al listado general de General Motors Radio Corp.
El modelo 120 "The Hepplewhite" es parte de las colecciones de los siguientes miembros.