Audio Oscillator 202D

Hewlett-Packard, (HP); Palo Alto, CA

  • Jahr
  • 1950
  • Kategorie
  • Service- oder Labor-Ausrüstung
  • ID
  • 219828

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 Technische Daten

  • Anzahl Röhren
  • 5
  • Wellenbereiche
  • - ohne
  • Betriebsart / Volt
  • Wechselstromspeisung / 115 Volt
  • Lautsprecher
  • - - Kein Ausgang für Schallwiedergabe.
  • Material
  • Metallausführung
  • von
  • Modell: Audio Oscillator 202D - Hewlett-Packard, HP; Palo Alto
  • Form
  • Tischmodell, Zusatz nicht bekannt - allgemein.
  • Abmessungen (BHT)
  • 17 x 8.75 x 11.12 inch / 432 x 222 x 282 mm
  • Bemerkung
  • The Model 202D Audio Oscillator is a general purpose oscillator which uses the resistance-tuned circuit to generate alternating current voltages from 2 to 70,000 cycles/sec. This audio oscillator provides a source of voltage for amplifier testing, audio response of transmitters, loud speaker resonance tests, and a voltage source for bridge measurements. It is particularly useful where low frequencies are involved, as in mechanical vibration problems.

    Frequency Range: 2 - 70,000 cycles/sec
    Frequency Dial Calibration X range 2 - 20, A range 7 Kc - 70 Kc
    xl 2 - 20 cycles/sec
    x10 20 - 200 cycles/sec
    x100 200 - 2000 cycles/sec
    x1000 2000 - 20,000 cycles/sec
    A 7000 - 70,000 cycles/sec
    Calibration Accuracy: ±2%
    Frequency Response: ±1 db 2 to 70,000 cycles/sec. Reference: 1000 cycles/sec, 10 volts across 1000 ohms resistive load. Frequency Stability ±2% under normal temperature conditions, including initial warm-up. ±10 volt line variations change frequency less than ± 0.2% at 1000 cycles/sec
    Power Output: 100 milliwatts into rated load (10 volts across 1000 ohms resistive load)
    Distortion: Less than 1% of rated output from 2 to 70,000 cycles/sec
    Hum: Less than 1% of rated output
    Load Impedance: 1000 ohms (resistive)
    Approximate Internal Impedance: 25 ohms from 50 to 70,000 cycles/sec

    see Forum



  • Nettogewicht
  • 25 lb 0 oz (25 lb) / 11.350 kg
  • Datenherkunft
  • -- Schematic
  • Autor
  • Modellseite von Pius Steiner angelegt. Siehe bei "Änderungsvorschlag" für weitere Mitarbeit.

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