Wide Range Oscillator 200CD early (5 tubes)

Hewlett-Packard, (HP); Palo Alto, CA

  • Jahr
  • 1952
  • Kategorie
  • Service- oder Labor-Ausrüstung
  • Radiomuseum.org ID
  • 82826

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 Technische Daten

  • Anzahl Röhren
  • 5
  • Betriebsart / Volt
  • Wechselstromspeisung / 115; 230 Volt
  • Material
  • Metallausführung
  • von Radiomuseum.org
  • Modell: Wide Range Oscillator 200CD [early ] - Hewlett-Packard, HP; Palo Alto
  • Form
  • Tischmodell, Zusatz nicht bekannt - allgemein.
  • Abmessungen (BHT)
  • 7.3 x 11.5 x 14.3 inch / 185 x 292 x 363 mm
  • Bemerkung
  • The Model 200CD and its sister instrument, the Model 200AB, were introduced at the same time in 1952.

    These new oscillators represented a substantial increase in versatility over previous ones. For example, the frequency range of the 200CD (5 Hz to 600 kHz) was such that it replaced two of the older HP oscillators, Models 200C and 200D, which were discontinued. This was accomplished without an increase in price. The wide frequency coverage made this instrument very valuable as a general purpose oscillator.

    In addition to advances in electrical design, the cabinetry of the new oscillator was redesigned. The cabinet width was reduced to save bench space, while the appearance was designed to be more pleasing and to aid in operation. One of the improvements was a large, six-inch tuning dial.

    The 200CD was used for testing servo and vibration systems, medical and geophysical equipment, audio amplifiers, sonar and supersonic apparatus, carrier telephone systems and video frequency circuits.

    Frequency Range: 5Hz to 600kHz in five ranges.

    Ranges: X1 = 5Hz to 60Hz, X10 = 50Hz to 600Hz, X100 = 500Hz to 6kHz, X1,000 = 5kHz to 60kHz, and X10,000 = 50kHz to 600kHz.

    Accuracy: +/- 2% including calibration error, warm-up, changes due to aging of components, tubes, etc.

    Dial: Six-inch diameter calibrated over 300º of arc, 85 divisions, for a total scale length of 78 inches.

    Frequency Response: +/-1dB entire Frequency Range (reference 1kHz).

    Output: 160 milliwatts (10 volts) into 600 ohm rated load, 20 volts open circuit.

    Output Balance: Better than 1% at lower frequencies and approximately 1% at higher frequencies.

    Internal Impedance: 600 ohms. Output is balanced to ground for zero attenuation. (May be operated with one side grounded if desired.)

    Distortion: Less than 0.5% below 500kHz; less than 1.0% at 500kHz and above. Independent of load impedance. Hum Voltage: Less than 0.1% of rated output. Decreases at output is attenuated.

    Later models used a solid state rectifier in place of either the 5AR4 or 5Y3GT tubes used in earlier models.
  • Nettogewicht
  • 9 kg / 19 lb 13.2 oz (19.824 lb)
  • Originalpreis
  • 250.00 $
  • Datenherkunft
  • - - Manufacturers Literature
  • Autor
  • Modellseite von Ernst Erb angelegt. Siehe bei "Änderungsvorschlag" für weitere Mitarbeit.

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Forumsbeiträge zum Modell: Hewlett-Packard, HP;: Wide Range Oscillator 200CD

Threads: 1 | Posts: 1

This model shows the early schema found at BAMA where you can find the early manual. We have also the late model with useful pages of the newer manual.

Heribert Jung, 18.Jan.09

Weitere Posts (1) zu diesem Thema.