Kenton K401C
Kelvinator; Keswick, South Australia
- Pays
- Australie
- Fabricant / Marque
- Kelvinator; Keswick, South Australia
- Année
- 1960/1961
- Catégorie
- Récepteur de télévision ou moniteur
- ID
- 331109
- No. de tubes
- 0
- No. de transistors
- 15
- Principe général
- Super hétérodyne avec étage HF
- Gammes d'ondes
- VHF/UHF (voir details en note)
- Tension / type courant
- Alimentation Courant Alternatif (CA) / 200; 230; 255 Volt
- Haut-parleur
- HP dynamique à aimant permanent + bobine mobile
- Matière
- Boitier en bois
- De
- Modèle: Kenton K401C - Kelvinator; Keswick, South
- Forme
- Console de forme générique
- Remarques
Kelvinator "Kenton" 23" De Luxe Console Model K401C
The new Kelvinator "Kenton" 23" de-luxe console incorporates a new square picture screen designed to recieve the complete transmitted picture. The fashion-styled cabinet in matching veneers of maple, walnut and mahogany and buttoned vynex is mounted on easy rolling castors.
Equipped with two speakers, one 8" round and one 6" round, and balanced to give high quality reproduction.
The 23" 110° projected picture tube is bonded to armour-plated tinted safety glass. ExternaI 300 ohms aeriaI. The receiver is powered by 15 valves, four germanium diodes and two selenium diodes all of the latest type and performing all the functions of a 32-valve receiver with superior performance and reliablilty.
By replacing valves with diodes the heat factor is reduced. The tuner is 10-channel switch type. IF stages - 3 valves with "phase linear" alignment. Video IF - 36 MC/s (MHz). Audio IF 30.6 MC/s (MHZ). The Kelvinator automatic plcture control, once set, remains steady and enables comfortable viewing with clear edge to edge picture. Sound output - 1.8 watts.
Video amplifler - DC coupling ensures true black level is retained and all shades of black
have their true relation to black. Mains supply 200-266 volts AC. HT and mains fuses. Three-core power lead. Power consumption, 180 watts. (MINGAY'S PRICE SERVICE)See also Pye Model 401C.
- Prix de mise sur le marché
- 229.95 AUS £
- Littérature
- Mingay's Price Service (Aug 1960 & Feb 1961.)
- Schémathèque (1)
- J.R. Publications Television Service Handbook (L.J. Series 1962 & 1967, Page P73 (for Pye T18 Series).)
- Auteur
- Modèle crée par Martin Kent. Voir les propositions de modification pour les contributeurs supplémentaires.
- D'autres Modèles
Vous pourrez trouver sous ce lien 46 modèles d'appareils, 26 avec des images et 17 avec des schémas.
Tous les appareils de Kelvinator; Keswick, South Australia