• Anno
  • 1937 ?
  • Categoria
  • Radio (o sintonizzatore del dopoguerra WW2)
  • Radiomuseum.org ID
  • 45910
    • alternative name: Wholesale Radio

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 Specifiche tecniche

  • Numero di tubi
  • 4
  • Principio generale
  • Supereterodina (in generale); ZF/IF 456 kHz
  • N. di circuiti accordati
  • 4 Circuiti Mod. Amp. (AM)
  • Gamme d'onda
  • Solo onde medie (OM).
  • Tensioni di funzionamento
  • Alimentazione a corrente alternata (CA) / 110 Volt
  • Altoparlante
  • AP elettrodinamico (bobina mobile e bobina di eccitazione/di campo)
  • Materiali
  • Mobile in legno
  • Radiomuseum.org
  • Modello: D-10 - Lafayette Radio & TV Corp; New
  • Forma
  • Soprammobile basso, con andamento orizzontale (grosse dimensioni).
  • Fonte esterna dei dati
  • Ernst Erb
  • Riferimenti schemi
  • Rider's Perpetual, Volume 8 = 1937 and before

 Collezioni | Musei | Letteratura


Discussioni nel forum su questo modello: Lafayette Radio & TV: D-10

Argomenti: 1 | Articoli: 2

I hope I am using this correctly, I apoligize and will take a lickin' later. I picked up what I think is the Lafayette D-10. The only schematic I found here. The tube layout and numbers are a perfect match. What I would really apprieciate would be a better schematic. I can hardly read the list of components. I can barely make out the caps in the radio itself. never seen resistors like these. The only hint is that it says Junior on the dial face. Its just AM but it has a transformer, my first project with a transformer. I think I am the only one that been inside of it. All cloth wire. All waxie capacitors. 

Does any one have a better drawing?

It doesnt have the back, which is where the antenna would be, can someone suggest how to add an antenna? Can I make one? Iron core antenna? Wind my own?

Its not in good shape, wooden cabinet that apears to have been dropped. geeze!

I dont know how to post an image.

Thank you,



Justin McKeever, 13.May.24

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