Independent Bass & Treble Corrector

Lowther Manufacturing Co; Kent

  • Anno
  • 1940 ?
  • Categoria
  • Amplificatore audio o mixer audio
  • ID
  • 340659

 Specifiche tecniche

  • Numero di tubi
  • 1
  • Valvole
  • Principio generale
  • Amplificatore audio
  • Gamme d'onda
  • - senza
  • Tensioni di funzionamento
  • Fornita mediante altra unità o unità principale.
  • Materiali
  • Mobile di metallo
  • Modello: Independent Bass & Treble Corrector - Lowther Manufacturing Co; Kent
  • Forma
  • Soprammobile compatto/con bordi arrotondati/midget senza pulsantiera/tastiera.<= 35 cm (Sometimes with handle but for mains only).
  • Annotazioni
  • Independent Bass & Treble Corrector (Non-resonant)

    The corrector proper consists of a 4:1 stepdown condenser potentiometer and a resistance-condenser network In conjunction with two double pole, 7-way switches, which allow the response at either end of the scale to be raised or lowered Independently by altering the ratio of the potentiometer at the desired frequency.

    lt Is, therefore, purely aperiodic in Its action and the difficulties encountered with the more usual resonant correctors are obviated.

    5 gns with amplifying stage and 3½ gns without.

  • Autore
  • Modello inviato da Gary Cowans. Utilizzare "Proponi modifica" per inviare ulteriori dati.

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