Television & Radio Listening Aid D.A.1

Masteradio, London

  • Anno
  • 1952
  • Categoria
  • Miscellanea (Altro, Varie) - vedere nelle note
  • ID
  • 347102

 Specifiche tecniche

  • Gamme d'onda
  • - senza
  • Tensioni di funzionamento
  • Alimentazione non richiesta
  • Altoparlante
  • - Per cuffie o amplificatori esterni
  • Materiali
  • Vari materiali
  • Modello: Television & Radio Listening Aid D.A.1 - Masteradio, London
  • Forma
  • Tascabile (portatile molto piccola), < 20 cm
  • Annotazioni
  • This Television & Radio Listening Aid was the principal exhibit at October Earls Court National Radio Show by  Masteradio Ltd. & described as;

    Television and Radio listening aid, a device consisting of a control unit with volume and tone controls and incorporating a lightweight headphone.

    This unit may be connected to any radio or television receiver and enables a deaf person to listen in, using the normal volume required for the household from the loudspeaker.

    It has been tested by the National Institute for the Deaf and other authorities and found satisfactory.
    Practical Wireless Oct 1952, Page 464

  • Prezzo nel primo anno
  • 6.00 GNS
  • Bibliografia
  • -- Original prospect or advert (Practical Wireless Oct 1952, Page 464)
  • Autore
  • Modello inviato da Clive Forder. Utilizzare "Proponi modifica" per inviare ulteriori dati.

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