Bandspread Radiogram TA224R

Murphy Radio Ltd.; Welwyn Garden City

  • Anno
  • 1954
  • Categoria
  • Radio (o sintonizzatore del dopoguerra WW2)
  • ID
  • 336254

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 Specifiche tecniche

  • Numero di tubi
  • 6
  • Principio generale
  • Supereterodina (in generale); ZF/IF 451 kHz; 2 Stadi BF
  • N. di circuiti accordati
  • 6 Circuiti Mod. Amp. (AM)
  • Gamme d'onda
  • Onde medie (OM) e più di 2 gamme di onde corte (> 2 x OC).
  • Particolarità
  • Cambiadischi
  • Tensioni di funzionamento
  • Alimentazione a corrente alternata (CA) / 90-160, 190-250 Volt
  • Altoparlante
  • AP magnetodinamico (magnete permanente e bobina mobile) / Ø 10 inch = 25.4 cm
  • Materiali
  • Mobile in legno
  • Modello: Bandspread Radiogram TA224R - Murphy Radio Ltd.; Welwyn
  • Forma
  • Console di qualsiasi tipo
  • Dimensioni (LxAxP)
  • 35.75 x 32.5 x 16.75 inch / 908 x 826 x 425 mm
  • Annotazioni
  • The Murphy TA224R bandspread radiogram.

    Why the emphasis on music? Because this fine new Murphy radiogram, the A224R, is first and foremost an instrument for reproducing music. And it fulfills this function supremely well.

    The A224R will give you the kind of reproduction you've often dreamed about and never heard from all your records standard and long-playing, classical and swing. There are two high-quality pick-ups, one for "ordinary" (78 r.p.m.) records and one for " long-players" (33⅓ and 45 r.p.m.).

    Various circuits, including a frequency-selective negative feedback path, give ample bass compensation, and you can get the exact amount you want for any record by turning the bass control. To complete the reproducing process there's a very special extra high flux density 10 in. loudspeaker which gives the set a sound volume as high as any on the general maker today. And the quality of reproduction is maintained too, even at such great volume.

    In between listening to your records, you can roam the world with the radio side of the set. The A224R has a remarkable range on its eight wavebands, and to help you get the station you want there's band spreading and a "magic eye" tuning indicator.

    When you don't want to listen to anything at all, you can just sit back and admire the cabinet-it's veneered in pomcle and sapele mahogany and it's well worth looking at.

    WAVE RANGES: Bandpread Short Wave,

    • 11 metre band 25.05 – 27.65 Mc/s.
    • 13 metre band 21.05 – 23.30 Mc/s.
    • 16 metre band 17.35 – 19.15 Mc/s.
    • 19 metre band 14.65 – 15.05 Mc/s
    • 25 metre band 11.52 – 12.70 Mc/s
    • 31 metre band  9.26 – 10.24 Mc/s.

    S. Band
    3.2-9.3 Mc/s (93.7-32.3m)

    M. Band
    530-1605kc/s. (556-187m)

    VALVES: Ediswan or Mazda 6C9, 6FI5 or 6F16 (or Philips or Mullard EF4 1), 6LD3 (or Philips or Mullard EBC41 ), 6P1, UU9, Philips or Mullard EM34.

    GRAM: A Garrard RC75A automatic record changer is fitted to take 12", 10”, or 78 rpm records (unmixed). Two high-quality pick-ups are provided: one for 78 r.p.m., the other for " Iongplaying" records, (45 or 33⅓ . r.p.m. ).

    CABINET: The main body of the cabinet is veneered in sapele mahogany, the lid being veneered in pomele mahogany on top and sapele inside. The sides of both the gram and radio are lined with a contrasting shade of leather cloth.

    CONTROLS: Inside cabinet from left to right: ON OFF and treble, bass,  tuning, wave change, and gram. Front of cabinet: Volume control.

    OTHER FEATURES: Magic eye tuning indicator. Special ten-inch speaker with a very high flux magnet. The cone has been specially developed to suit the electrical response of the set and the acoustics of the cabinet.

    See also, table model TA224.







  • Peso netto
  • 33.3 kg / 73 lb 5.6 oz (73.348 lb)
  • Bibliografia
  • - - Manufacturers Literature (Sales pamphlet)
  • Autore
  • Modello inviato da Gary Cowans. Utilizzare "Proponi modifica" per inviare ulteriori dati.

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