• Año
  • 1930
perfect model
  • Categoría
  • Radio - o Sintonizador pasado WW2
  • Radiomuseum.org ID
  • 50332

 Especificaciones técnicas

  • Numero de valvulas
  • 6
  • Válvulas
  • Principio principal
  • RFS (Radio Frecuencia Sintonizada) en general; Screengrid 1926-1935
  • Número de circuitos sintonía
  • 5 Circuíto(s) AM
  • Gama de ondas
  • OM (onda media) solamente
  • Tensión de funcionamiento
  • Red: Corriente alterna (CA, Inglés = AC) / 110 Volt
  • Altavoz
  • Altavoz electrodinámico (bobina de campo)
  • Material
  • Madera
  • de Radiomuseum.org
  • Modelo: 5-69 - Patterson Radio Co. / Electric
  • Forma
  • Consola baja, patas más cortas del 50%.
  • Anotaciones
  • One dial (primary tuning control knob)

    For year 1930, Radio Collector's Guide 1921-1932, page 131 lists the following six models:
    Model 5-69 (6 tubes, incl. 2 tuned RF stages) as midget for $ 59.50; model 7-69 (7 tubes, 3 TRF ) as midget for $ 69.50; model 6-59 (6 tubes, 2 TRF) as table model for $ 59.50; model 6-69 (6 tubes, 2 TRF) as low boy for $ 69.50; model 7-69 (7 tubes, 4 TRF) as table model for $ 69.50 and model 7-69 (7 tubes, 4 TRF) as low boy for $ 79.50.

    These are Eastern advertised prices without tubes or accessories. Tube count is including rectifier no ballast tube). All models are screen-grid TRF-receivers AC models with two audio stages without push-pull output. They show one big tuning dial. The Radio Collector's Directory and Price Guide 1921-1965 have copied these values.

    The brochure uploaded shows an other story, but we have to keep the old name. After we have managed to assign each of the models to a certain brochure, we will link either cross link the new model or add the name on the brochure to the given model. Only after studying all models we can also enter the proper tubes and we might have to explain differences between brochure and the book entries. Only this method guarantees the facts enough that in the future no member will suggest the missing book entry in the future.

  • Peso neto
  • 24 lb (24 lb 0 oz) / 10.896 kg
  • Precio durante el primer año
  • 99.50 USD
  • Ext. procedencia de los datos
  • Ernst Erb

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