Philips USA
- Produttore / Marca
- Philips USA
- Anno
- 1946 ?
- Categoria
- Radio (o sintonizzatore del dopoguerra WW2)
- Radiomuseum.org ID
- 85513
Clicca sulla miniatura dello schema per richiederlo come documento gratuito.
- Numero di tubi
- 7
- Principio generale
- ZF/IF 455 kHz
- Gamme d'onda
- Onde medie (OM) e più di 2 gamme di onde corte (> 2 x OC).
- Tensioni di funzionamento
- Alimentazione a corrente alternata (CA) / 100-250 Volt
- Altoparlante
- AP magnetodinamico (magnete permanente e bobina mobile) / Ø 8 inch = 20.3 cm
- Potenza d'uscita
- 3.5 W (qualità ignota)
- Materiali
- Mobile in legno
- Radiomuseum.org
- Modello: 389AN - Philips USA
- Fonte esterna dei dati
- Schematic sent by Mr. António Manuel Rodrigues dos Santos
- Autore
- Modello inviato da Mario Coelho. Utilizzare "Proponi modifica" per inviare ulteriori dati.
- Altri modelli
In questo link sono elencati 43 modelli, di cui 41 con immagini e 14 con schemi.
Elenco delle radio e altri apparecchi della Philips USA
Discussioni nel forum su questo modello: Philips USA: 389AN
Argomenti: 1 | Articoli: 1
I just copy here what a guest from Melbourne, Australia, has sent us via contact form:
I was thrilled to 'find' yet another "Philips 389AN" via your website listing!
I thought mine was likely the only one in the world! Mine is 'alive and well" however (indeed works very well) - and living in Australia! It was brought here from Northern Ireland in 1961 and before that had ridden the ocean from "Southern Rhodesia" whereupon it was purchased in 1950! This particular unit was sold as the 'radio-audio amplifier' portion mounted within a rather exotic hand-carved wooden cabinet 'radio-gram' combination. The 'hand-carved cabinet' was unfortunately discarded in 1968 when I 'scored it' as a 14 year old lad upon its retirement by my late father after he purchased a 'new stereo' for the household. The '389AN' has served me well over the years as a 'ham radio' receiver (having had a BFO added) and indeed was the receiver I used for my first 'CW QSO' in 1981. Considering its 'domestic design limitations' (lack of band-spread and 'wide I.F band-width' - it works sufficiently for communications purposes and in fact most excellently for general short-wave reception.
Best Regards, Aubrey McKibben
Unfortunately it seems that we could only produce a picture from a catalog, folder or flier. Also a name plate, which could be from an auction ...
I don't know how complete or how much changed the set of this guest is, but perhaps we get some inside photos and/or name plate. I thank Aubrey - and will ask him.
Ernst Erb, 26.Jan.12