• Année
  • 1958
  • Catégorie
  • Emetteur / récepteur commercial (TRX non amateur)
  • Radiomuseum.org ID
  • 325028

 Spécifications techniques

  • Principe général
  • Transceiver (poste récepteur/émetteur combiné); FI/IF 1400 kHz; Appareillage spécial ? Renseignements souhaités SVP.
  • Gammes d'ondes
  • OC uniquement
  • Tension / type courant
  • Alimentation Courant Alternatif (CA) / 100-125 or 200-250 Volt
  • Haut-parleur
  • HP dynamique à aimant permanent + bobine mobile
  • Matière
  • Boitier métallique
  • De Radiomuseum.org
  • Modèle: SSB Radiotelephone TRA55 - Racal Engineering /
  • Forme
  • Gros appareil industriel ou militaire (> 20 kg)
  • Dimensions (LHP)
  • 20 x 20 x 244 inch / 508 x 508 x 6198 mm
  • Remarques
  • The TRA55 is an early SSB transceiver rated at 60 watts output and operates on four crystal -controlled channels, two in the 3 to 6 -Mc /s band and two in the 6 to 12 -Mc /s band.

    For transmission, a switch in the handle of the telephone - microphone handset must be depressed. A built -in loudspeaker can be used, if required, in place of the telephone earpiece.

    It is fully tropicalized and costs £495, less crystals, in the U.K.

    The TRA55 employs the "filter" method of single sideband suppressed carrier generation. In this a balanced modulator (push-pull to AF, push-push to RF.) is used to generate a double -sideband suppressed carrier signal on a basic frequency of 1.4MHz. This is then passed into a crystal filter which attenuates the unwanted sideband by about 50dB.

    The SSB signal so obtained is passed to a second balanced modulator where it is brought to the RF required by mixing with the output from a master crystal oscillator. All the crystals on which the transmitted frequency depends are kept at constant temperature in a small oven to ensure frequency stability. On " receive" the incoming signal is amplified at RF converted to 1.4 MHz IF and passed through the filter, then into a " product " or heterodyne detector (after suitable amplification). About 20dB of speech clipping is provided in the modulator AF amplifier and the number of controls has been reduced to a minimum so that the equipment can be used by non-technical personnel.


  • Poids net
  • 161 lb (161 lb 0 oz) / 73.094 kg
  • Auteur
  • Modèle crée par Gary Cowans. Voir les propositions de modification pour les contributeurs supplémentaires.

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