New Vista victrola solid state VHT80WK Ch= RC-1218N and RS209C
RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New York (NY)
- País
- Estados Unidos
- Fabricante / Marca
- RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New York (NY)
- Año
- 1967 ?
- Categoría
- Radio - o Sintonizador pasado WW2
- ID
- 224405
- alternative name: RCA Manufacturing || Victor Talking Machine
- Numero de transistores
- Hay semiconductores.
- Semiconductores
- Principio principal
- Superheterodino en general
- Gama de ondas
- OM y FM
- Especialidades
- Tocadiscos con cambiador autom.
- Tensión de funcionamiento
- Red: Corriente alterna (CA, Inglés = AC) / 200 watt, 60 cycles, 120 Volt
- Altavoz
- Altavoz dinámico (de imán permanente)
- Material
- Madera
- de
- Modelo: New Vista victrola solid state VHT80WK Ch= RC-1218N and RS209C - RCA RCA Victor Co. Inc.; New
- Forma
- Consola en general
- Anotaciones
The content on this page is just a copy of New Vista victrola solid state VHT67F - until we get pictures: According to Photofact Folder 901, volume 5, there are different VHT consoles with the same chassis - like:
VHT-10W, VHT15M, VHT15W, VHT18W, VHT21W, VHT25L, VHT27D, VHT29E, VHT30W, VHT31D, VHT32L with chassis RC-1227B and VHT33W, VHT34L, VHT35D, VHT36W, VHT37L, VHT39D, VHT80WK, VHT81WK, VHT82LK, VHT85WK, VHT86LK and VHT87SK with chassis RC-1227C (RC-1227B possible for 80, 81, 82), all from about 1966 and in SAMS 894-6. The Fotofact schematic 901-5 shows the same for VHT61W, VHT62H, VHT67L, VHT64F, VHT66S, VHT67F, VHT67Y, VHT98WK - and all share the chassis RC-1218N and RS-209C, but there are also listed VHT71F and VHT75W - with chassis RC-1218T and RS-211C. And VHT41W, VHT44S, VHT46L, VHT47S, VHT48E, VHT48S, VHT50W, VHT52W, VHT53W, VHT55L, VHT57D, VHT89WK, VHT90WK, VHT91HK, VHT91LK, VHT92FK, HHT93FK and VHT94SK share the chassis RC-1223C, RS-215J and RK-314D but VHT69W uses RK-314E instead of RK-314D, but all share SAMS 930-7 and are from about 1968. Together there are 52 VHT models listed in the 1970 Photofact annual index on page 62.
- Documentación / Esquemas (1)
- Photofact Folder, Howard W. SAMS (set 901, volume 5)
- Autor
- Modelo creado por Ernst Erb. Ver en "Modificar Ficha" los participantes posteriores.
- Otros modelos
Donde encontrará 5134 modelos, 3238 con imágenes y 4174 con esquemas.
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