Scophony Television Master Generator

Scophony Ltd.; London

  • Année
  • 1938
  • Catégorie
  • Divers / autres - détails dans les remarques
  • ID
  • 102919

 Spécifications techniques

  • Gammes d'ondes
  • - sans
  • Haut-parleur
  • - - Pas de sortie basse fréquence
  • Matière
  • Matériaux divers
  • De
  • Modèle: Scophony Television Master Generator - Scophony Ltd.; London
  • Forme
  • Formes diverses décrites en notes
  • Remarques
  • The Scophony master generator consists of a disc having teeth on its periphery which routes between two stator rings also having teeth cut in them.

    Use is made of the change in capacity between the stators when the rotor revolves.

    The teeth are cut on an optical dividing head to an accuracy of 6 seconds. Owing to the large number of teeth uniformly placed around the periphery of the disc, all simultaneously contributing to the output, all angular inaccuracies in the teeth cancel out. Likewise, eccentricity In the mounting of stators or rotor cannot have any effect on the regularity of the signal. Skewed mounting of stators or rotor cannot have any effect on the due to the completely balanced electrical system used.

    To compare the maximum frequency variation of the Scophony generator with that of the other generators, tests were made using as a standard magneto-striction oscillator having a stability of one part in several hundred thousand.

    Measurements of these records show the maximum variation recorded for the Scophony generator to be less than 2 cycles per second at 10,125 cycles/ second (see Fig. 6). The variation Is of the order of the variation of the mains frequency against absolute time represented by the magneto-striction oscillator. The maximum phase drift of the frame pulse derived from it Is of the order of  .5%.

    The Scophony master generator can be made for any practical number of lines and can be added to any existing synchronising equipment to produce the necessary coupling to the electric power supply mains for the correct working of cathode ray tubes or mechanical transmitters and receivers.

  • Littérature
  • -- Original-techn. papers. (Scophony 1938 - Early Television Foundation - Tom Genova)
  • Auteur
  • Modèle crée par Georg Richter. Voir les propositions de modification pour les contributeurs supplémentaires.

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