Silvertone Order= 57FM 2071 or 2171 or 2271

Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago (IL)

  • Anno
  • 1940/1941
perfect model
  • Categoria
  • Radio (o sintonizzatore del dopoguerra WW2)
  • ID
  • 204314
    • Brand: Silvertone

 Specifiche tecniche

  • Numero di tubi
  • 7
  • Valvole
  • Principio generale
  • Supereterodina (in generale)
  • Gamme d'onda
  • Onde medie (OM), corte (OC) e tropicali/polizia.
  • Tensioni di funzionamento
  • Rete / Batterie di accumulatori (eventualmente anche le batterie) / Storage Battery 6 volt or AC 115 = 100 - 125 Volt
  • Altoparlante
  • AP elettrodinamico (bobina mobile e bobina di eccitazione/di campo) / Ø 8 inch = 20.3 cm
  • Materiali
  • Mobile in legno
  • Modello: Silvertone Order= 57FM 2071 or 2171 or 2271 - Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago
  • Forma
  • Console con tastiera/pulsantiera.
  • Dimensioni (LxAxP)
  • 27.5 x 33.75 x 11.25 inch / 699 x 857 x 286 mm
  • Annotazioni
  • The Sears Silvertone 57F 2071 or 2171 or 2271 are the same only that 2171 was with additional Wincharger 57FM5425 and 2271 with additional Gas-O-Power 57FM5401. It is generally model 2071 and offers three tuning bands: 540 to 1700 kHz broadcast, 1.8 to 5.5 MHz plus 6 to 18 MHz. Both, model 2471 and model 57FM2071 (or 2171 or 2271) share the same chassis with a magic eye, but one is a console the other a table top. They offer push-button tuning for 6 easy set up stations, AVC, variable tone control. For saving battery power they use a "Flash-O-Lite" dial which lights up only when tuning. Richly grained sliced walnut veneers, hand rubbed.
    Order number 57 FM 2071 is the radio Low-Boy console only for $ 39.95. As 57FM2171 it comes with Wincharger for $ 57.45 and as 57FM2271 with Gas-O-Power for $ 67.90. See details and summaries about Sears catalogs etc.

  • Prezzo nel primo anno
  • 39.95 $

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