Silvertone 54 Order= 57V 4148 or 4149

Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago (IL)

  • Anno
  • 1929/1930
perfect model
  • Categoria
  • Radio (o sintonizzatore del dopoguerra WW2)
  • ID
  • 56514
    • Brand: Silvertone

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 Specifiche tecniche

  • Numero di tubi
  • 9
  • Principio generale
  • A circuiti accordati (amplif. diretta) senza reazione; Neutrodina (con neutrocondensatore)
  • N. di circuiti accordati
  • 4 Circuiti Mod. Amp. (AM)
  • Gamme d'onda
  • Solo onde medie (OM).
  • Tensioni di funzionamento
  • Alimentazione a corrente alternata (CA) / 50 to 60 cycles, two taps: 105 ; 120 cover 95 to 130 Volt
  • Altoparlante
  • AP elettrodinamico (bobina mobile e bobina di eccitazione/di campo)
  • Materiali
  • Mobile in legno
  • Modello: Silvertone 54 Order= 57V 4148 or 4149 - Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago
  • Forma
  • Console, con gambe d'appoggio alte (> 50%).
  • Annotazioni
  • Sears Silvertone 54 is a 9-tube "All Electric Receiver", designed by Alexander Senauke. The High-Boy console has "French type doors of matched oriental walnut veneer. They may be opened out and folded back against the panels, displaying an instrument panel of neatly matched rich burl walnut. Side panels of Carpathian elm. Very rich gold color grille cloth. Mounted is a "super-dynamic speaker". Ornamental escutcheon and wood knobs.
    Order number 57V 4148 - 1/4 is with all tubes and aerial equipment, $ 124. 57V 4149 1/4 is with easy payment: $ 10 "down" cash and $ 13 per month until paid $ 136.50. The same model could be ordered with a transformer for 25 to 30 cycles for the same price - which can be used in fact also for 60 cycles. See details and summaries about Sears catalogs etc. The catalog #160 gives no measures for this model.
    Rider's Sears 6-1 schows for the same schematic the following models: 53, 54, 94 and 99 plus a note that model 99, the Radio-Phonograph Combination is the same as model 94, with the exception of a rotary switch in the detector grid circuit. It shows one untuned RF circuit in tront, 4 tuned, two AF transformers and a Push-Pull output. The mains transformer has two taps. With special order there is a 25 to 30 cycles transformer (which works naturally also for 50 or 60 cycles) without extra charge.
  • Prezzo nel primo anno
  • 124.00 $ !
  • Fonte esterna dei dati
  • Ernst Erb
  • Riferimenti schemi
  • Rider's Perpetual, Volume 6 = 1935 and before

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