Series B 811
Stewart Warner Corp.; Chicago (IL)
- País
- Estados Unidos
- Fabricante / Marca
- Stewart Warner Corp.; Chicago (IL)
- Año
- 1928
- Categoría
- Radio - o Sintonizador pasado WW2
- ID
- 61238
- Brand: Ferrodyne
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- Numero de valvulas
- 8
- Principio principal
- RFS (Radio Frecuencia Sintonizada) en general; 2 Etapas de AF
- Número de circuitos sintonía
- 4 Circuíto(s) AM
- Gama de ondas
- OM (onda media) solamente
- Tensión de funcionamiento
- Red: Corriente alterna (CA, Inglés = AC) / 25 cycles 110/115 Volt
- Material
- Madera
- de
- Modelo: Series B 811 - Stewart Warner Corp.; Chicago
- Anotaciones
- Rider page 1-4 S.-Warner: The Stewart Warner models 801, 801A, 811 and 811A of Series B use 8 tubes with push-pull output with two 112A. The models 801 and 811 Series A and the model 801.802 use only a single output tube 71A. There is also the same models given as "Series B" with "PU" in front of the model name. We have not listed them separately, believing it is just indicating "including power unit".
Radio College of Canada: Series 800 with models 801, 801A, 802 for 60 cycles and 811 and 811A for 25 cycles. "Standard Compact fitted in draw to make console Low Boy and High Boy - plus model 806 for battery operation (tubes 3 x 201A, 200A, 201A and 112). Also for 1928/29 Series B with model 801B and 811B, same as 811 but with Push-Pull in last stage.
All those models have one primary tuning control knob for a 4-gang condenser. The power unit is on a separate chassis with the tube 280 = 80 and it includes two chokes. The power transformer is switchable for 110 or 115 volt AC.
- Precio durante el primer año
- 96.00 $
- Ext. procedencia de los datos
- Ernst Erb
- Procedencia de los datos
- Radio Collector`s Guide 1921-1932
- Referencia esquema
- Rider's Perpetual, Volume 1 = 1931/1934 (for 1919-1931)
- Otros modelos
Donde encontrará 2122 modelos, 398 con imágenes y 1980 con esquemas.
Ir al listado general de Stewart Warner Corp.; Chicago (IL)