Storage Oscilloscope 7514

Tektronix; Portland, OR

  • Année
  • 1971
  • Catégorie
  • Appareils de mesure et de dépannage (matériel de labo)
  • ID
  • 260437

 Spécifications techniques

  • No. de tubes
  • 1
  • Lampes / Tubes
  • No. de transistors
  • Semi-conducteurs présents
  • Semi-conducteurs
  • Gammes d'ondes
  • - sans
  • Tension / type courant
  • Alimentation Courant Alternatif (CA) / 90-136; 180-272 Volt
  • Haut-parleur
  • - - Pas de sortie basse fréquence
  • Matière
  • Boitier métallique
  • De
  • Modèle: Storage Oscilloscope 7514 - Tektronix; Portland, OR
  • Forme
  • Modèle de table vertical (pas forme catédrale)
  • Dimensions (LHP)
  • 305 x 342 x 594 mm / 12 x 13.5 x 23.4 inch
  • Remarques
  • The 7514 is a split-screen storage oscilloscope designed to accept all 7000-Series plug-in units. The 7514 features a large 8 x 10 cm CRT, compact solid-state circuitry, excellent conventional performance together with bistable storage capabilities. High writing speeds are achieved, both in the store and non-store modes, by operating the CRT at 18-kV accelerating potential. A unique write-thru feature allows non-store displays in the presence of stored information. An auto-focus circuit maintains correct focusing with changes in intensity. The ability to use four plug-ins at one time provides a measurement capability previously not available in storage oscilloscopes. Now it is possible to make sampling and real-time, wideband and high-gain or X-Y and Y-T measurements simultaneously.

    DC to 90 MHz Bandwidth.

    Bistable Spilt-Screen Storage and conventional Display erases after a selectable view time and stores new information automatically.

    With the split-screen storage feature, either half of the 8 x 10 cm display can be independently controlled, allowing stored or conventional displays on either the upper or lower half. Through front panel controls this system can be directed to automatically erase either or both halves after a predetermined viewing time. Viewing time can be varied from 0.5 to 5 sec. in the auto-erase mode. The write-thru mode allows conventional displays over the entire CRT while retaining displays stored on the upper, lower, or full CRT.
    CRT Readout labels the CRT with deflection factors and sweep speeds, invert and uncalibrated symbols, and identifies the trace and its data. The readout is automatically corrected when magnified sweeps and 10X probes are used.

    Channels: Two left-hand plug-in compartments; compatible with all 7000-Series plug-ins.
    Deflection Factor: Determined by plug-in unit.
    Bandwidth: Determined by mainframe and plug-in unit.
    Chopped Mode: Approx 1-MHz repetition rate.
    Trace Separation Range (dual-sweep modes). The B trace can be positioned at least 4 to 6 div from the A trace.
    Delay Line: Permits viewing leading edge of displayed waveform.

    Channels: Two right-hand plug-in compartments; compatible with all 7000-Series plug-ins.
    Fastest Calibrated Sweep Rate: 5 ns/div with the 7B51 and/or 7B50.
    Chopped Mode: Chopping rate is approx 200 kHz between two horizontal plug-in compartments.
    X-Y Mode: PHASE SHIFT is within 2° from DC to 35 kHz between vertical and horizontal channels. Bandwidth is DC to at least 5 MHz.

  • Poids net
  • 19.5 kg / 42 lb 15.2 oz (42.952 lb)
  • Prix de mise sur le marché
  • 3,200.00 USD
  • Littérature
  • -- Original prospect or advert
  • Auteur
  • Modèle crée par Pius Steiner. Voir les propositions de modification pour les contributeurs supplémentaires.

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