The Tingey Unit System
Tingey Wireless, W.R.H. Tingey; London
- Produttore / Marca
- Tingey Wireless, W.R.H. Tingey; London
- Anno
- 1922
- Categoria
- Ricevitore amatoriale (può includere bande broadcast)
- ID
- 330529
- Numero di tubi
- 0
- Valvole
- R_England
- Principio generale
- A circuiti accordati (TRF o amplif. diretta in generale)
- Gamme d'onda
- Onde medie (OM) e onde lunghe (OL).
- Tensioni di funzionamento
- Batterie (di accumulatori e/o a secco)
- Altoparlante
- - Per cuffie o amplificatori esterni
- Materiali
- Mobile in legno, valvole visibili.
- Modello: The Tingey Unit System - Tingey Wireless, W.R.H. Tingey
- Forma
- Soprammobile con qualsiasi forma (non saputo).
- Annotazioni
The Tingey Unit System is a modular receiver system for licenced amateurs interested in experimenting with wireless transmissions. The system can be used with different inductances to cover from 200 to 24,000 meters (see below).
A possible combination of units is C1 (tuner), R1 (receiver) with one of I1 coils, A1 (RF amp), any combination of A2 (RF amp) and A3 (AF amp) units and a T1 headset transformer. There was also a Crystal Rectifier Unit, a detector especially recommended for telephony, which could replace a valve detector.
The following units were available in January 1922:
- A1 Multi HF Amplifier Transformer Unit: RF amp to be used with transformers T2 (1 valve)
- A2 Multi HF Amplifier Unit: RF amp, choke and resistance type (1 valve)
- A3 Multi LF Amplifier Unit: AF amp (1 valve)
- A4 Multi HF Unit: without inductance or variable condenser
- C1 Condensers: a pair of variable capacitors, tuning for R1
- I1 Type A Inductance: coils from 200 to 1,600 meters
- I1 Type B Inductance: coils from 1,000 to 8,500 meters
- I1 Type C Inductance: coils from 5,000 to 24,000 meters
- J1 to J8 Junction brackets: connector brackets with 2 or 4 leads
- P1 Inductance Plugs: different plugs to connect the coils I1
- P2 Brown's Phones: S.G. Brown type D headphones
- R1 Receivers: a receiver, needs tuner C1 (2 valves)
- R6: Type R valves
- T1 Multi Telephone Transformer Unit: to connect headphones
- T2 Interchangeable Transformers: to be used with A1
In Aug. 1922 additional units were added:
- A24 Combined Unit: both fixed and variable tuning, tuned or stand-by position
- R* Receiver: for Type R valves
- R1* Receivers: for Mullard valves
- RS Single Valve Receiver
- RV Unit HF: to follow RS unit
Tingey also offered Brown's Relay Unit for rapid connection to the Unit System (probably this model).
Similar sets were offered by:
- Marconi Scientific Instrument (UK), see e.g. this unit
- Peto-Scott (UK), see units listed here
- Bonnefont (F), see Radio-Monteurs
- Brunet (F), see Radio-Bloc
- Radio L.L. (F), see Audionette
- Bibliografia
- Archeofon rivista Italiana per mostra radio d'epoca
- Letteratura / Schemi (1)
- -- Original prospect or advert (WW and Radio Review, Jan. 1, 1922)
- Autore
- Modello inviato da Pier Antonio Aluffi. Utilizzare "Proponi modifica" per inviare ulteriori dati.
- Altri modelli
In questo link sono elencati 15 modelli, di cui 14 con immagini e 0 con schemi.
Elenco delle radio e altri apparecchi della Tingey Wireless, W.R.H. Tingey; London