Transistor Pack T6009

Vidor Ltd.; Erith (Kent)

  • Jahr
  • 1956 ??
  • Kategorie
  • Strom-Versorgung oder Spannungsstabilisator
  • ID
  • 228144

 Technische Daten

  • Wellenbereiche
  • - ohne
  • Betriebsart / Volt
  • Ist eine Batterie oder Akku / 9 Volt
  • Lautsprecher
  • - - Kein Ausgang für Schallwiedergabe.
  • von
  • Modell: Transistor Pack T6009 - Vidor Ltd.; Erith Kent
  • Abmessungen (BHT)
  • 65 x 81 x 51 mm / 2.6 x 3.2 x 2 inch
  • Bemerkung
  • The PP series are all layer cells, often 4  or 6 stack of exact type used in "Batrymax"/"Radio Batteries HT packs (typically 4 x stacks of 15 "biscuit" style cells). There never was a T6002.

    Connection type: PP9 style snap.

    About 5000mAH depending on load


    • GEC BB29
    • Eveready (NCC) 276
    • IEC 6F100
    • Burgess D6
    • NEDA 1603
    • Ever Ready PP9
    • Others: DT9, TR9, VT9

    Very common on Table Model transistor sets, but Asian makers preferred 4 x C or 4 x D cells. Some models (e.g. Hacker RP18) used 2 x PP9.

    Still available even in some "High Street" retail shops, though a premium price (Eveready branded as Vidor and Ever Ready UK are gone). Using 6 x Alkaline AA cells is 2500mAH to 3000mAH in a replica pack may soon be the only source.

    Later versions swapped the Waxed (inside) cardboard case for a directly printed metal can. The last versions use a plastic case with a wrapped on paper labe

  • Autor
  • Modellseite von Michael Watterson angelegt. Siehe bei "Änderungsvorschlag" für weitere Mitarbeit.

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