• Jahr
  • 1922–1925 ?
  • Kategorie
  • NF-(Niederfrequenz-) Verstärker oder -Mixer
  • Radiomuseum.org ID
  • 355637

 Technische Daten

  • Anzahl Röhren
  • 2
  • Röhren
  • Hauptprinzip
  • NF-Verstärkung
  • Wellenbereiche
  • - ohne
  • Betriebsart / Volt
  • Akku und/oder Batterie / 2 & 6 (Grid Bias) &120 Volt
  • Lautsprecher
  • - Dieses Modell benötigt externe(n) Lautsprecher.
  • Material
  • Gerät mit Holzgehäuse
  • von Radiomuseum.org
  • Modell: Loud Speaking Amplifier 3121 - Western Electric Company
  • Form
  • Tischgerät, Truhenform, meist mit Deckel (NICHT Schrägpult).
  • Bemerkung
  • Western Electric Co, Loud Speaking Amplifier, Reg No 3121

    It was used with a Western Electric loudspeaker and any good Valve Detector Set for amplifying radio telephony speech or music.

     A great deal of engineering development work has been carried on in connection with this Equipment, and it is accepted that there is no apparatus in existence today (1922) that approaches it in efficiency and general reliability. Both Amplifier and Loud Speaking Receiver are so designed as to provide clear and true reproduction over the entire musical range, that is, the Equipment will receive clearly the low notes of a pipe organ and the high notes of a Violin or Soprano.

    The Amplifier is specially designed and is contained completely in a polished mahogany case. A separate key controls the filament and is situated at one end of the case, together with a five-step Switch, for the adjustment of the Volume of sound. Ventilation Discs and a Window for inspecting the filament without opening the case are provided.
    The Valves used in this Amplifier are special Western Electric-type Valves, and the Transformers are also designed expressly to reduce noise to the utmost and to eliminate distortion.

    Amateur Wireless (GB) Sep 30, 1922, Page 371.

    Known to be used as the output amplifier in the Western Electric 5-Valve Loudspeaker Assembly Set, A131 sold in Australia in 1923.

    Imported from Great Britain.

  • Literaturnachweis
  • -- Original prospect or advert (Amateur Wireless (GB) Sep 30, 1922, Page 371.)

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