Kendall-Price S.G.3 A.C.

Ready Radio; Blackheath, London S.E.

  • Année
  • 1932
  • Catégorie
  • Boîte de construction (composants et manuel) ou instructions
  • ID
  • 240586

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 Spécifications techniques

  • No. de tubes
  • 3
  • Principe général
  • Récepteur TRF - par réaction (régénératif)
  • Gammes d'ondes
  • PO, GO et OC
  • Tension / type courant
  • Alimentation Courant Alternatif (CA)
  • Haut-parleur
  • - Ce modèle nécessite des HP externes
  • De
  • Modèle: Kendall-Price S.G.3 [A.C.] - Ready Radio; Blackheath,
  • Remarques
  • One of ten designs in Ready Radio's "Kendall-Price book of ten circuits", £0.05 (1 shilling) purchased 10 "Blueprints" with the book included "free".

    Mr. G. P. Kendall BSc and his assistant the famous Short wave Experimenter, Mr H.D. Price.  

    One of ten designs in Ready Radio's "Kendall-Price book of ten circuits" (Also published as "Ready Radio Prize Circuits"), £0.05 (1 shilling) purchased 10 "Blueprints" with the book included "free". If the Pen4V is really only from1933, perhaps the 1932 version was supplied with / recommended Mullard 054V.

    Mr. G. P. Kendall BSc and his assistant the famous Short wave Experimenter, Mr H.D. Price. 

  • Auteur
  • Modèle crée par Michael Watterson. Voir les propositions de modification pour les contributeurs supplémentaires.

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